Instruments - Night Vision System Malfunctions
SI B 66 04 06Remote Control System
March 2007
Technical Service
This Service Information bulletin supersedes S.I. B66 04 06 dated November 2006.
[NEW] designates changes to this revision
Night Vision Malfunctions and Parts Replacement
E60, E61 (5 Series)
E63, E64 (6 Series)
E65, E66 (7 Series)
Night Vision Display has distortion, shows an inverted and/or unclear image or is inoperative
Possible Fault Code entries in the (NVE) control module:
^ A78F video signal to the NVE disturbed
^ A74E LIN bus, night vision camera
Wiring harness to the Night Vision camera is damaged or interrupted
Night Vision Camera (NVK) is defective
Cause 1:
Check the wiring harness to the Night Vision Camera (especially near the front bumper/headlights) and repair if damaged.
^ Battery Voltage is supplied over the CAN POW line from the Night Vision module (PIN 16).
^ SYM lines are two shielded wires (PIN 6 & 7 on connector X16664 and PIN 12 & 6 on connector X6665) for the signal transfer from the NVC to the NV module.
^ The Night Vision Camera and the Night Vision module (PIN 17) share a common ground.
If necessary refer to the complete wiring diagram using DIS V46.0, or later.
[NEW] Cause 2:
The test plans in DIS do not adequately identify the faulty part (Camera or Control Module).
Follow the available test modules to find out if communication to the control module (NVE) and/or between the control module and the camera (NVK) is possible.
When communication between the NVE and the NVK is not working, first check the wiring harness from the NVE to NVK.
When there is no evidence of damage on the wiring harness, replace the Night Vision Camera (NVK).
It is no longer necessary to order the NVK together with a NVE. When replacing the Night Vision Camera, a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) specific CD is included with the replacement part shipment.
This CD contains only an unlock code (Applications # 04 and # 05, the coding/programming data are contained in Progman).
Using the SSS (Software Service Station), Progman will prompt for the CD when following the replacement path.
After a replacement, the Night Vision Camera should be adjusted.
Recheck the system after performing the replacement, programming and adjustment procedure before handing the vehicle over to the customer.
For General Information on the Night Vision System and on the vertical adjustment procedure (via BMW diagnosis system), refer to the BMW AG Service Information SBT 66 02 05 (136) "BMW Night Vision" on WebTIS.
Replacing the Night Vision Camera, refer to RA 66 54 010 "Removing and installing complete night vision camera".
For the axial adjustment of the Night Vision Camera, refer to RA 66 54 001 "Adjusting night vision camera".
[NEW] Programming:
Update the vehicle to the actual i-level if necessary. For programming/coding refer to SI B09 05 01 "Coding, Individualization and Programming", Procedure A).
To import the Night Vision system applications insert the included VIN specific CD when prompted by Progman and follow the on-screen directions.
After importing the applications, press "Import" again to do the process a second time.
This has to be done because of the possibility that Progman will not import both applications the first time even though it shows that both applications are correctly imported.
This Service Information will get updated with more detailed information soon.
Part Number Description Quantity
66 54 9 132 753 Night Vision Camera 1
66 54 9 129 760 Night Vision control Module 1
The Night Vision Camera and control module have to be ordered over DCS as a coded part, VIN specific.
Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty.