Front Door Window Glass: Adjustments
51 32 154 Adjusting Left Or Right Front Door Window
Special tools required:
- 51 3 080
Ideal adjustment:
Retraction depth along window edge min. 6 mm.
Measuring retraction depth:
Open door, attach special tool 51 3 080 to door window glass and close door.
Adjusting door window glass:
- Partially detach soundproofing in areas (1) and (3) only.
- Side airbag (2) remains fitted.
- For partial detachment of soundproofing, follow procedure detailed in Removing and installing/replacing soundproofing in left or right front door.
NOTE: For purposes of clarity, illustration shows soundproofing removed.
Slacken off nuts (1) and (3) (do not release fully).
Close door window glass with window lift (2) fully and if necessary press upwards until ideal setting is obtained.
Tighten down nuts (1) and (3).