Steering and Suspension: Specifications
Front Axle Suspension
Front end reinforcement on front axle carrier/engine carrier
Jointing Torque 59 Nm
Torque Angle 90°
Note: Replace screws, tighten down the rear screws first.
Adapter to body
4WD 59 Nm
Note: Replace screws.
Front axle support to adapter
4WD 110 Nm
Note: Replace screws.
Control Arms And Struts
Control arm (ball joint) on front axle support 90 Nm
Control arm on steering knuckle/swivel bearing 80 Nm
Control arm holder to engine carrier 59 Nm
Note: Replace screws.
Control arm holder to engine carrier 59 Nm
Note: Replace Screws.
Ball Joint for control arm to front axle carrier
(4WD) 80 Nm
Control Arm to ball joint
(4WD) 80 Nm
Control arm to front axle support
(4WD) 59 Nm
Note: Replace Screws.
Wheel Bearing and Steering Knuckle
Drive flange to axle shaft
(4WD) 420 Nm
Spring Struts
Spring strut mount to wheel house
Flanged hexagon nut 18 mm 24 Nm
Flanged hexagon nut 21 Nm 34 Nm
Shock absorber piston rod on thrust bearing
M14 64 Nm
With external hexagon piston rod
M12 64 Nm
With internal hexagon piston rod
M12 44 Nm
Shock Absorbers
Screws-on ring for strut shock absorber 130 Nm
Steering gear to front axle carrier
M10 42 Nm
Steering Arm
Tie Rod/axle joint to track 110 + 10 Nm
Tie rod end nut 36.5 ±3.5 Nm
Note: Tie rod end with split-pin hole must not be bolted with a self locking nut.
Tie rod clamping screw 14 Nm
Note: Tighten in empty weight or in normal position.
Tie rod clamping nut 45 Nm
Steering guide arm to front axle carrier
M10 42 Nm
M12 85 Nm
Steering Column
Universal joint/coupling to steering gear/steering spindle 24 Nm
Note: Replace Clamping Screw
Mounting block for steering wheel adjustment to carrier of instrument panel
M8 22 Nm
Hex screw on bearing block for adjustment of steering wheel
Self locking nut 3.0 Nm
1. Tighten nut hand tight (adjusting lever in clamped position)
2. Open and close lever.
3. Tighten nut 4.0 Nm
4. Open and close lever.
5. Tighten nut 4.8 Nm
6. Open and close lever
7. Tighten nut 4.8 Nm
Airbag: Steering column to holder 18 Nm
Steering column to dashboard 22 Nm
Steering column to dashboard 14 Nm
Sliding piece (screw/nut) 9.5 Nm
Cable holder to steering Column
M5 (Silver) 8.8 Nm
M5 (Black) 4 Nm
Steering Wheel
Steering wheel to steering spindle
Nut 80 Nm
Screw 63 Nm
Airbag and Airbag Steering Wheel
Airbag unit to steering wheel 8 Nm
Pump and Oil Supply
Bearing pedestal of vane pump to cyl. crankcase / oil pump 22 Nm
Note: Shims, refer also to service information gr. 32HHH
Pump bracket on engine support 22 Nm
Hydraulic line connections to vane pump and steering gear
M10 Banjo bolt 12 Nm
M14 Banjo bolt 35 Nm
M16 Banjo bolt 40 Nm
M18 Banjo bolt 45 Nm
Cap screw 36 Nm
Hydraulic line connections to DS controller 40 Nm
Final Drive Housing With Cover
Case cover
M10 8.8 45 Nm
M10 10.9 90 Nm
Oil fill and drain plug 70 Nm
Vibration damper on bracket 77 Nm
Final Drive Unit Mountings
Final drive to rear axle carrier
Front E46 95 Nm
Rear E46 147 Nm
Front E46/M3 200 Nm
Rear E46/M3 73 Nm
Output Shaft
Output shaft to final drive unit and drive flange
Fillister head bolt M10 83 Nm
With locking teeth
M10 96 Nm
M12 110 Nm
Note: Replace Bolts and Washers.
Torx bolt M10 83 Nm
With ribbed teeth
M8 64 Nm
M12 135 Nm
Color: Black
M10 100 Nm
Color: Silver
M10 80 Nm
Note: Replace screws.
M12 135 Nm
Rear axle carrier
Vibration damper to rear axle carrier 77 Nm
Control Arms and Struts
Trailing arm to rear axle carrier 76 Nm
Note: Tighten in normal position.
10.9 77 Nm
Upper control arm to rear axle carrier 100 Nm
Note: Tighten in empty weight or normal position.
Compression strut on body
M8 8.8 21 Nm
M8 10.9 30 Nm
Auxiliary control arm to trailing arm and rear axle carrier
M14 x 1.5 127 Nm
Note: Tighten in normal position.
V-strut to tension strut / body
Jointing Torque 59 Nm
Torque Angle 90°
Note: Replace Screws.
Rear Axle Suspension
Rear axle carrier Rubber with mount to body
M12 x 1.5 77 Nm
Wheel Bearing
Drive flange to axle shaft
M22 200 Nm
M24 250 Nm
M27 300 Nm
Note: Replace and lightly oil collar nut.
Shock Absorbers
Shock absorber piston rod on thrust bearing 14 Nm
Front Wheel Brakes
Brake Disc to Wheel Hub 16 Nm
Note:Contact surfaces between brake disc and wheel hub cleaned and free of grease.
Brake caliper to steering knuckle 110 Nm
Note:Screws slightly oiled, contact surfaces between brake caliper and steering knuckle cleaned and grease free.
Guide Bolt
Wrench Size 7 mm 30 - 5 Nm
Rear Wheel Brakes
Brake drum/disc to wheel hub 16 Nm
Wheel cylinder to brake backplate 10 Nm
Brake carrier on semi-trailing arm/wheel carrier 65 Nm
Brake caliper on semi-trailing arm/wheel carrier 67 Nm
Guide Bolts
Wrench Size 7 mm 28 Nm
Wheel Rims
Wheel cover on disc wheel bolts coated with blue Loctite No.243 9 Nm
Valve on disc wheel (RDC) 3.5 Nm
Wheel electronics (RDC) on valve 3.5 Nm
Control head to M-Mobility system 15 Nm
Control head to Sealant bottle 2.4 Nm
Control and Suspension System, Rear
Pressure line connections
M10 14 Nm
Pressure line connections
M12 20 Nm
Ride level sensor to holder 5 Nm
Control rod to ride level sensor/holder 8 NM