Cell Phone - Bluetooth(R) Handset Diagnostic Info.
SI B 84 21 07Communication Systems
November 2007
Technical Service
Diagnosis When an Unapproved Handset is Paired to a Vehicle
E46 (3 Series) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639) from 9/04
production (325i/iA from 10/04 production)
E53 (X5) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639) from 10/04 production
E60, E61 (5 Series) from 9/04 production
E63, E64 (6 Series) from 9/04 production
E65, E66 (7 Series) from 3/05 production
E70 (X5) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639)
E83 (X3) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639) from 9/04 production
E85, E86 (Z4) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639) from 10/04 production
E90 E91, E92, E93 (3 Series) with Premium Package (ZPP) or BMW Assist (SA 639) from 3/05 production
The customer paired an unapproved handset to a vehicle and now has a complaint. Please use the information provided in this bulletin as guidance during the diagnosis and warranty process.
Visit www.bmwusa.com/bluetooth for a list of handsets that have passed BMW testing for compatibility. Note the following disclaimer on this web site:
^ "This list is provided for reference only. The mobile phones listed here have passed compatibility tests as of the date of testing and meet or exceed minimum standards established by BMW. The list is not a warranty for phone performance or functionality. BMW makes no guarantees or warrantees as to the performance of each phone while connected to your BMW via Bluetooth Wireless Technology. Furthermore, software releases by BMW, the phone supplier or the wireless carrier dated after testing might alter compatibly results. While many phones are offered with Bluetooth Wireless Technology, not all phones support the necessary profiles to work with your BMW. BMW does not guarantee availability or functionality with all wireless carriers. Functions such as synchronizing the address book and transferring a call into or out of the vehicle may function differently from phone to phone".
"Unapproved phones" means that either the handset has not been tested, or has been tested but a problem was revealed.
Due to the length of time that it takes to validate a handset when a handset is initially available for purchase, it may not be on the compatible list, but could be added at a later date.
On some handsets, the initial handset software may have bugs which prevent normal hands-free operation and which prevent the handset from being added to the list. In some instances, the handset
manufacturers are working on maintenance releases to correct issues and these may result in the handset being added to the list at a later date.
Here are some common issues seen when pairing unapproved handsets to a vehicle:
^ The handset constantly connects and then disconnects from the vehicle.
^ The phonebook does not download correctly.
^ The phone book never finishes downloading. The radio or Control Display is stuck on the phonebook download screen.
^ A phone call cannot be initiated or ended via the vehicle controls.
^ The phone call has ended, but the communication menu shows the call time counter still counting and the radio remains muted, even after the ignition is shut off.
No permanent damage will be caused if an unapproved handset is paired to the vehicle, but it could temporarily put the TCU into an inoperative state.
Diagnostic tips for resolving communication issues after an unapproved handset has been paired to the vehicle
The following sequential actions may be required to resolve the inoperative state:
1. Power down the unapproved handset and remove the handset from the vicinity of the vehicle. Wait several minutes. This will allow the internal timer of the TCU to reset. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to step 2.
2. Allow the vehicle to assume sleep mode. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to step 3.
3. Allow the vehicle to assume sleep mode and then disconnect the battery for 16 minutes.
Any repairs made to a vehicle which appear to have been caused by an unapproved handset being paired to the vehicle are NOT a warranty issue. An example of this is when the radio is temporarily muted because the unapproved device was paired to the vehicle, but once the unapproved device is deleted from the device list, the radio functions properly.
The following is an example of what would be covered:
^ The customer has an unapproved handset paired to the vehicle and it has worked (with or without anomalies) for an extended period of time. Suddenly, the handset no longer pairs to the vehicle.
When diagnosing the vehicle, the TCU has fault code 73, Memory Error. The unapproved device is deleted from the device list and an unsuccessful attempt is made to pair an approved phone.
All customer concerns must be verified with a compatible Bluetooth handset.
The unapproved handset must be deleted from the TCU paired device list.
After pairing an approved device to the vehicle, a short test using BMW Diagnostic tools must be performed and FASTA data has to be transmitted.
If a warranty claim is submitted and FASTA data shows that an unapproved handset was in the Bluetooth device list during the diagnostic process, the warranty claim may be subject to a denial of claim payment.