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Technical Training

n 3/2 two way Running Losses Valve 1999 YM - M52TU, replaced by non-return i on 99 e39 it is built into the fuel filter on rear subframe
A Hot Film Air Mass Meter Air Flow Meter / Sensor
A Generator Alternator
A Water Valve Heater Control Valve
A Processed Vehicle Speed Signal
A Out (ie: exhaust) German:Aus
A/D Analog/Digital
AB SRS (Airbag)
AB Airbag
ABL Brake System Warning Lamp (2 Color)
ABS Anti-lock Braking System
AC Air Conditioning (From ETK)
ACC Active cruise control
ACK Acknowledge
ACS Active Comfort Seats
ADB(X) Automatic Differential Braking
ADS Engine Intake Air Control
ADV Windshield Wiper Pressure Control
AEGS Electronic Automatic Transmission System
AEGS Automatic Electronic Gearbox Control
AFM Air Flow Meter/Vane type
AG Automatic Transmission
AG Aktiengesellscaft/ German for Inc.
AG Automatic Gearbox (Transmission)
AGD Suction Silencer (From ETK)
AGR Emission Reduction
AGS Transmission Control Module Transmission Control Module
AGS Adaptive Transmission Control
AH Trailer
AHK Active Rear-axle Kinematics
AHK Trailer Hitch (From ETK)
AHM Trailer Module (Not for USA Models)
AHPS Advanced Head Protection System SRS, Multiple Restraint System, MRS,
AHPS Active Head Protection System
AIC Rain Sensor Windshield Wiper System / Wiper Inteval
AIC Automatic Interval Control (Rain Sensor)
AKF Activated Carbon Canister (From ETK)
AKI Anti-knock index/octane rating
AKS Controlled pressure windshield wiper
AKS Active head restraint E65/66 ISIS system
AKS Pressure Regulating Device (From ETK)
ALC Automatic Light Control
ALR Automatic-locking retractors
ALR Automatic lock retractor
ALR Automatic Lamp Range Adjustment
AMP Radio System Amplifier
ARCNET Attached Resource Computing Network
ARI Car Radio Information System (From ETK)
ARS Active Roll Stabilization E65/66 (now DD-Dynamic Drive)
ASAP Advanced side air bag protection
ASC Automatic Stability Control
ASC Automatic Slip control
ASC+T ASC+ Traction Control
ASC-EZA ASC w/Engine Timing and Injection Intervention
ASK Audio System Controller (Kontroller)
ASP Outside Mirrors
ASR Self Starter Block Relay (From ETK)
AST All Season Traction
AST Automatic Slip Control (Marketing Term)
AT Antenna (From ETK)
AT Remanufactured Part (From ETK)
ATC Adaptive Transmission Control
ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid (From ETK)
ATL Exhaust Gas Turbo Charger (From ETK)
AUC Automatic Air Recirculation
AUT Automatic Transmission (From ETK)
AVT Antenna Amplifier Tuner
AWD All Wheel drive
AZD Tightening Torque Specifications (In TIS)
B Bus level
B Benzene (Gasoline)
B+ Battery positive connection/power supply
B1 Fast Bus/Bus participant 1
B2 Fast Bus/Bus participant 2
B3 Fast Bus/Bus participant 3
BAT Battery (From ETK)
BC Board computer
BC On-Board Computer
BC1 Body controller 1 MINI
BF Front passenger
BFH Control unit rear seat, passenger side
BFS Control unit , passenger seat
BL Brake Light (From ETK)
BLS Brake Light Switch
BMBT On Board monitor control panel, (Used with navigation,replacing MID/radio/tape head)
BMW Bavarian Motor Works/Bayerische motoren werke
BRS Brake Signal
BS Battery switch (Storage mode E65/66)
BS Block Diagram
BSD Bit serial data interface
BST Battery Safety Terminal (MRS Activated)
BVA Brake Pad Wear Indicator (From ETK)
Byteflight Fiber optical bus for ISIS
BZM Center Console Armrest Control Center - Front
BZMF Center Console Armrest Control Center - Rear
CAG Crash Alarm sensor
CAN Controller Area Network (Multiple ECU Controller) (1Meg data transfer)
CAN high CAN communication 2.5V ref/talks at 3.5V
Can low Can communication 2.5V ref/talks at 1.5V
CAN-Bus Controller Area Network (Bus)
CANH-Bus Can Bus, High
CANL-Bus Can Bus, Low
CANP Fuel Tank Ventilation Valve
CARB California air resources board
CAS Car Access Button
CAS Car Access System
CBC Corner Braking Control (ABS function to preventhydraulic overpressure to inside rear wheel.)
CBS Condition Based Service on vehicles from E65/66 and newer
CBS Condition Based Service
CBT Computer Based testing
CC Check control system
CC Check Control
CC Compact Cassette
CCM Check Control Module
CD Compact Disk
Cd Coefficient of drag
CD Control Display
CDC Compact Disk Changer
CDS CD Player (From ETK)
CEL Celsius (From ETK)
CIM Chassis Integration Module
CLB Central Locking Button
CO Carbon Monoxide (From ETK)
COMBI Electronic Instrument Cluster
Combi, KOMBI > german Electronic Instrument Cluster Instrument Panel
CON Controller (I-Drive) Center Console
CRC Cycle redundancy check
CSI Customer satisfaction Index
CSi Coupe Sport Injection
CU Copper (From ETK)
CVM Convertible Top Module
CVT Constantly Variable Transmission
CW Drag Coefficient (From ETK)
D/N Data/Messages
D+ Alt Field also Known as KL 61
D1 Xenon Light/ Gas Discharge (From ETK)
Dab Digital audio broadcast
dB Decibel
DBC Dynamic Brake Control
DBC Dynamic Brake Control (DSC function)
DBS Dynamic Braking System
D-Bus Diagnosis Bus (Same as Txd) (DIS/MoDIC/GT1communication line)
DCS Dealer Communication System
DD Dynamic Motor Drive
DDE Digital Diesel Electronics (Diesel ECU)
DEL Delimiter
DFHA Diagnosis power windows-open direction
DFHZ Diagnosis power windows-close direction
DIN German Industrial Standard. Equivelant to SAE
DIS Diagnosis and Information System
DISA Differential Air Intake Control
DIVA Continuously Variable Length Intake Runners
DK Throttle Valve (MDK) Motor Driven Throttle Valve
DK Throttle Housing/valve
DK(s) Throttle Valve German:Drossel Klapper
DKB Throttle- Brake Intervention
DKB Throttle W/ Brake Intervention
DKE Throttle Increase
DKE Throttle Valve Increase (originating from ASC)
DKI Throttle Position
DKR Throttle Reduction
DKR Throttle Valve Reduction
DKS Throttle Valve Switch
DKT Throttle Valve Signal
DKT Throttle Position Signal
DKV Preset Throttle Valve
DKV Preset Throttle Position Value
DLC Diagnostic Link Connector (OBD-II)
DME Digital Motor Electronics System / ECU / PCM Engine Control Module
DM-TL Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (EVAP)
DOHC Dual Overhead Camshafts
DR Pressure Regulation
DRS Yaw sensor
DS Gasket Set (From ETK)
DSC Dynamic Stability Control
DSC Dynamic Stability Control
DSH Diagnosis Door lock Heating
DSHD Double Panel Sunroof E34 Touring
DSP Digital Sound Processor
DSP Digital Sound Processing
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code (SAE)
DTC Dynamic Traction Control
DVD Digital video disc
DWA Antitheft system
DWA Driveaway Protection System/German Diebstahlwarnanlage
DWA-NS Driveaway Protection emergency power siren
DWS Tire Pressure Warning System
DZF Output Speed Sensor
DZM Revolution Counter (From ETK) (Tachometer)
DZV Diagnosis Central Locking system
e Eta/Efficiency engine/e.g 325e
E In (Ein)
E - Box Central Electronics Box / houses DME 's Central Electronics Box
E - Box Fan Central Electronics Box / houses DME 's Central Electronics Box Fan
EBA Installation Instructions (From ETK)
EBV Electronic Brake Force Proportioning
EC Electrochromatic mirror
ECE European Market Version (From ETK)
ECM Electronic Control Module
ECO Controller for I-drive System
ECO Now Controller (CON)
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ECVT Electro Constantly Variable Transmission
EDC Electronic Dampening Control / Shock Absorber Module
EDC Electronic Damper Control (From ETK)
EDC-K Electronic Dampening Control - Continuous
EDK Electronic Throttle Valve
EDK Electronic Throttle Valve (M62TU/ME7.2)
EDR Electronic Throttle Control (M-motor MSS52/S54)
EDS Transmission Control Unit / Transmission Selector Unit Gear Shift Selector
EDS Pressure Regulator
EDS Pressure Regulator
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programable Read Only Memory
EFH Electric Window Lifter (From ETK)
EGS Electronic Transmission Control (Trans. ECU) Transmission Control Module
EGS Electronic Transmission Control
EH ElecroHydraulic Transmission
EH Electronic-Hydraulic
EHC Electronic Height Control (Air Suspension System)
EHC One axle suspension system e39
EHC Electronic Height Control
EHC2 Two axle air suspension system X5 (e53) 3.0L and 4.4L only
EIN German for "in"
E-KAT Electrically Heated Catalytic Converter
EKM Electronic Body Module
EKM Electronic Body Module
EKP Fuel Pump Relay
EKP Electric Fuel Pump (German:Kraftstoffpumpe)
EKS Anti-trap contact strip(windows)
ELV Electronic Steering Lock E52
EM Electro-mechanical
EMF Electromechanical parking brake E65/66
EMF Electro-mechanical Parking Brake
EML Elecronic Throttle
EML Electronic Throttle Control (drive by wire)
EMS2000 MINI COOPER Engine Control Module also known as DME Engine Control Module
EMV Electromagnetic compatibility
EMV Electro-magnetic Sensitivity (From ETK)
EO Component Location
E-OBD European On Board Diagnostics (EU Mandated)
EPC Electronic Parts Catalog (Also ETK)
EPROM Erasable/ Programmable Chip Memory (From ETK)
ESS Electronic Anti-theft Device
ETK Electronic Parts Catalog (Also Epc)
ETM Electrical Troubleshooting Manual
EV Injector Valve
EV Fuel Injector/ German; Einspritzventil
EWS Drive Authorization System / Drive away protection
EWS Electronic Drive-away Protection
EWS I Electronic Driveaway protection Version 1 (E36/E34/E31 -1/94 to 12/94)
EWS II Electronic Driveaway protection Version 2 (E31, E34, E36, E38, E39 1/95
EWS III (3.2) Electronic Driveaway protection Version 3 (3.2) (E38 1/97, E39 3/97)
EWS III (3.3) Electronic Driveaway protection Version III (3.3) (E38 5/97, E39 9/97, E46, E52, E53 from intro)
EWS III (3.3D) Electronic Driveaway protection Version III (3.3) (E36/7 from 1999)
F- Alternator Compact H2O cooled - Generator / Alternator
F1-2 Fuse 1-Fuse 2�ġġġ�etc.
FA Driver
FB Functional Description
FBC Fading Brake Control
FBD Remote Control Services
FBD Remote Control Services
FBI Flexible bus interface
FBZV Remote Keyless Entry System / Module
FBZV Radio frequency Locking system
FBZV Radio Frequency Locking System
FGR Vehicle-speed-Control (cruise con.) (Early)
FGR Vehicle Speed Control (Cruise Control)
FH Power Windows
FH Power Windows (German :Fernsterheber)
FHK Rear Heater/ Air Conditioner
FLC Automatic Light Control
FM Frequency Modulation- FM radio reception
FRU Labor Rating Unit 1 FRU = 6 minutes
FRU Flat Rate Unit/ 1 FRU equals 6 Minutes
FS Crash Sensor
FTP Federal test procedure
FZV Remote Keyless Entry System
FZV Remote Keyless Entry System
G/GEN Generator/Alternator
GE Yellow German: Gelb
GIU Gearbox interface unit MINI
GM General Module (ZKE)
GMR Yaw Moment Control
GN Green German:Gruen
GND Ground German:Masse
GPR Luggage compartment
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Gray German:Grau
GR II Cruise Control ( Late)
GRII Cruise Control (Intro E38/E39)
GRS Rotation (Yaw) Rate Sensor
GS Belt Tensioner
GSR Cruise Control
GW Gateway/ gateway table
GWK Torque Convertor Lock-up Control
GW-R Gateway rule
H Rear (Hinten)
H/K Heiz-und Klimaanlage/Heating and A/C
H2 Xenon lighting system
H2 Xenon Headlights
HA Rear Axle (From ETK)
HDC Hill Decent Control
Heisse Hot
HFM Hot Film Air Mass Meter
HG Manual Transmission
HG Main Group Numbers
HG Manual Gearbox (Transmission)
HHS Rear window defogger
HI Helpful information
HK Hydraulic Bootlid/Tailgate
HKL Automatic Trunck Lid Lift
HKL Hydraulic Trunk Lid Lift
HKM Bootlid/Tailgate Lift Module
HLM Hot Wire Air Mass Meter
HLM Hot-Wire Air Mass Meter
hPa Hecto Pascal (1 hPa = 1 mBar, 1000 hPa = 1 Bar atmoshperic pressure at sealevel)
HPS Head Protection System
HPS Head Protection System
HR Heater Control (From ETK)
HVA Hydraulic Valve Adjuster (From ETK)
Hz Hertz (Cycle)
IB Interior Lighting Control Signal
I-Bus Insturment Bus Communication Protocol
IC Instrument cluster
ID Identifier
IDC Info on Diagnosis and Coding
IDE Identifier Extension
IDE Inter Frame Space
iDrive Controller Joystick / Mouse for iDrive system
IHKA Automatic Heating and Climate Control
IHKA Auto Integrated Heating and Air Conditioning
IHKAF IHKA w/Microfilter
IHKR Regulated Heating and Climate Control
IHKR Integrated Heating and Air Conditioning Regulation Aju
IHKRF IHKR W/ Microfilter
IHKS Integrated Heating and Air Conditioning - Standard
IHPD Internal High Pressure Deformation
IHR Automatic Heating Control
IHR Integrated Heater Control (From ETK)
IKE Instrument Cluster Electronics (Integrated)
IKE Instrument Cluster Electronics
ILH Interior Lighting, Rear
ILV Interior Lighting, Front
IMS Instant Mobility System (From ETK)
INRS Activate Sire Signal
IPO Inputs, Processing, Outputs
IPO Inputs-process-outputs
IR Infrared
IRS Infrared Locking System
ISC Idle Speed Control
ISC Idle Speed Control
ISIS Intelegent Saftey and Information System AHPS, Active Knee Protection, Active Head Restraint (Built into Comfort seat)
ISIS Intelligent Safety Integration System
ISN Individual Serial Number (EWS II, III / DME)
ISO International Standards Organization
ISOFIX Standardized Mounts for Child Restraints
ITS Head Airbag Assembly/ Inflatable Tubular Structure
IVM Intergrated supply module E65 Housed next to DME in engine compartment
IVM Integrated Power Supply Module
JBIT Japan Bus interface telephone II
JNAV Japan Navigation

KD Kick Down Automatic Heatinf Control
Kinematics Kinematics is concerned with describing the way in which objects move.
KOMBI Electronic Instrument Cluster
KVA Fuel Consumption Signal

LCM Lamp Control Module
LCM Light Check Module
LEV Low Emission Vehicle
LKM Lamp Control Module
LL Idle Signal
LM Lamp Control Module
LMM Air Flow Meter
LSZ Central Light Switch
LVA Air Supply System for EHC - Electronic Height Control
LWR Headlight Beam Throw Control
MDK Throttle Valve / Motor Driven Throttle Valve
MFL / MFL 2 Multifunction Steering Wheel Control System
MID Mileage Indicator Display
MID Multi Information Display
MRS Multiple Restraint System
MSR Engine Drag Torque Control
MSR Engine Drag Torque Control
M-Technic M-Technic sport suspension
MV Magnetic Valve (soliniod valve)
n-ab Transmission Rotational Speed
NAH Wet Arm Heater wiper arm washer fluid
n-mot Engine RPM
NTC (Type of Sensor) Negative Temperature Coefficient (Thermistor)
P/N park neutral
P-Bus Periphery module ( E38 ZKE ) signal bus
PDC Park Distance Control
PM Power Module
Pulse Generator / Cylinder Indentification Camshaft Position Sensor
PWG pedal value sensor / pedal positsion sensor / accelerator pedal sensor
RDC Tire Pressure Mnitoring System
RDS Radio Data System
RLS Rain/Light Sensor
RLS Rain / Driving Light Sensor
RM Relay module
RPA Tire Defect Indicator also, DDS (Deflation Detection System) also RDW
RPM Sensor Crankshaft Position Sensor
RXD Receive Data Line
RXD Ringing diagnosis line ( ZKE )
SAC Self Adjusting Clutch System
SBA Service Need Display E65/66
SBE Seat occupancy Module
SCA Soft Close Automatic
Selector Lever Switch / Gearshift Selector Transmission Range Switch
Servotronic Vehicle-speed-sensitive power steering
SG Control Unit
SGS Seat Intergrated Seatbelt system
SHD Sunroof
SI Service interval indicator
SIM Safety Information Module
SLP Secondary Air Pump
SLV Secondary Air Valve
SMG Acceleration Sensor Acceleration Sensor
SMG II (as of 01/02 USA prod.) Sequencial Manual Gearbox (clutch pedal - less ) e46 M3 / e85 Z4 (3.0L option only as of 2003 ), Getrag S6S420G, Getrag Type D
SRA Headlight / Foglight cleaning
SRS Air Bags System
SRS supplemental restraint system
Stepless Door Brake Hydralic Door Position holder (for cars parked on hills)
STEPTRONIC 5-speed STEPTRONIC 3-mode (automatic/sport automatic/clutchless manual)
SWA Windshield Washer System
SZL Steering Column Switch Center
SZM Center console switch center
TD or TR Engine Speed Signal (once per signal) From Crank Sensor
TE Fuel EVAP Control
ti Injection Timing
TIL Part throttle position
TSH Door lock heating
TWC Three way catalyst
TXD Transmit diagnosis line
URSS Uber Roll Shutz System ROPS / roll over system / roll bars or seat headrest deployment
v Diagnostic Unit
v Electronic Motor Load Regulation
v Speed Dependent Volume control
v Hydrocarbon
v Heavy Duty (From ETK)
VA Front Axle (From ETK)
VA_D Load Cutoff Roof Zone
VA_K Load Cutoff Body Zone
VANOS This acronym comes from the German words; VAriable NOckenwellen
VAT Front Axle Support (From ETK)
VE Mechanical Distributor Pattern Inj.Pump
VEP Distributor-type Injection Pump (From ETK)
VI Violet Wire color/ETM
VID Video Module
VIS Intro Service training Video
VL Front loadspeaker, left
VL Full Load (Wide Open Throttle)
VM Video Module
VSD Front Muffler (From ETK)
V-SG Valvetronic control unit
VVT Valvetronic Control Unit E65 Housed next to DME in engine compartment
V V T Valvetronic
WBG Hazard Warning Switch (From ETK)
WIM Intergrated Wiper Module
WIM Wiper Control Module
WK Torque Converter Lock-up Clutch
WL Warning Lamp
WOT Wide Open Throttle Syn. w/VL
WSS Windshield (From ETK)
WTB Heat Exchanger, Passengers side
WTF Heat Exchanger, Drivers side
WVB Water Valve, Passengers side
WVF Water Valve, Drivers side
WVL Converter left front
XEN Xenon Lights
Y-Factor Processing in IHKA for Automatic control
Z Central (Zentrum)
ZA Signal request for Fuel And Injector Cutoff
ZAB Ignition Fade-out Signal (Reduction)
ZAE Central airbag electronics
ZAE Central Airbag Electronics
ZAR Ignition Timing fadeout (feedback signal comes from the KL1 Connection@ignition coil)
ZAS Ignition Starter Switch (From ETK)
ZF Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen/Trans. mfg
ZGM Central Gateway Module
ZGM Central Gateway Module
ZIG Cigarette Lighter
ZK Ignition Capacitor
ZK Cylinder Head (From ETK)
ZKE Central Body Electronics
ZKE /ZKE III Central Body Electronics Body Control Module
ZKH Cylinder Head Cover (From ETK)
ZKM Central Body Module/Central Locking Module
ZLS Auxiliary Air Valve
ZMS Hydraulic Dampened Dual Mass Flywheel (From ETK)
ZS Double Lock Double Lock
ZS Central Lock (From ETK)
ZSD Center Muffler (From ETK)
ZV Central Locking System (From ETK)
ZVM Central locking module
ZVM Central Locking Module
ZW Central Warning Light
ZWD idle speed actuator (later)
ZWD Idle Air Control Valve (IAC) (earlier)
ZWP Aux. Water Pump
ZWV Ignition Timing ZWV
ZWV Ignition Timing Adjustment (Request Signal)
ZKM Central Body Module/Central Locking Module
ZLS Auxiliary Air Valve
ZMS Hydraulic Dampened Dual Mass Flywheel (From ETK)
ZS Double Lock Double Lock
ZS Central Lock (From ETK)
ZSD Center Muffler (From ETK)
ZV Central Locking System (From ETK)
ZVM Central locking module
ZVM Central Locking Module
ZW Central Warning Light
ZWD idle speed actuator (later)
ZWD Idle Air Control Valve (IAC) (earlier)
ZWP Aux. Water Pump
ZWV Ignition Timing ZWV
ZWV Ignition Timing Adjustment (Request Signal)