32 34 030 Removing and Installing/Replacing Airbag Unit
32 34 030 Removing and installing/replacing airbag unit (sport steering wheel)Warning!
Observe the following instructions to avoid any risk of injury by the airbag unit.
- Comply with safety regulations for handling components with gas generators.
- Do not exert any force on the airbag unit.
- Use only specified tools for releasing the airbag unit.
Note: Incorrect handling may result in triggering of the airbag unit and thereby cause serious injury.
Steering wheel must be replaced if airbag unit has been triggered!
Follow procedure after airbag triggering.
Necessary preliminary tasks:
^ Disconnect battery negative lead
^ Remove shift paddles for automatic transmission
Insert Torx screwdriver (T25) at an angle into concealed opening on reverse side of steering wheel until a spring resistance is felt (approx. 1.5 cm).
Increase pressure on spring leg (concealed) using Torx screwdriver (T25) until airbag unit is unlocked.
Repeat procedure on other side.
Make sure electrical leads are correctly positioned.
Snap airbag unit with uniform pressing force plane-parallel in direction of steering column shaft into steering wheel.
Risk of injury!
Airbag unit may only be set down with the airbag itself facing upwards.
Tilt airbag unit forwards.
Disconnect plug connections and remove airbag unit.
Connect plugs to connections of same colour on airbag unit.