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BMW Assist(R) - Status Bar/Percentage Does Not Progress

SI B 84 18 07
Communication Systems

June 2009
Technical Service

This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B84 18 07 dated August 2007.

[NEW] designates changes to this revision

Enable Services Status Bar Does NOT Progress

E60, E61 (5 Series)

E63, E64 (6 Series)

E65, E66 (7 Series) from 03/05 production

E70 (X5) vehicles equipped with ZPP (Premium Package) or SA639 (BMW Assist)

E90, E91, E92, E93 (3 Series) vehicles equipped with ZPP (Premium Package) or SA639 (BMW Assist)

When trying to enable BMW Assist services, "Enable Services" is selectable but the status bar/percentage does not progress.


1. Check the BMW Assist account status on DCSnet. The BMW Assist services expiration date and the TCU activation status can be checked on DCSnet under Service/Vehicle History Inquiry. Refer to SI B02 01 06 (Updated DCSnet Vehicle History Inquiry information on BMW Assist) for more information. If the BMW Assist services contract has expired, the customer must renew his or her BMW Assist services. Do not proceed until these services are renewed.

^ For customers who would like to renew BMW Assist services, refer to SI B84 22 05 (Reactivation of BMW Assist Services).

2. Duplicate the complaint by trying to initialize BMW Assist services, following the procedure outlined in SI B84 15 03 (Initialization of BMW Assist Services) at a location where you normally initialize BMW Assist services.

3. Perform a vehicle test using BMW Diagnostic tools. Work though any corresponding test modules.

4. Check the wireless signal strength and Network Access Device (NAD) registration status, following the procedure outlined in SI B84 05 07 (Checking NAD Signal Strength for BMW Assist), or using the BMW Diagnostic System check via "Diagnosis" in "Control Unit Functions".

^ If the signal strength is good and the NAD is registered on the wireless network, proceed to work, proceed to step 5.

^ If the signal strength is NOT good and the NAD is registered on the wireless network, diagnose the antenna circuit, following the procedure outlined in the cellular antenna circuit diagnostic tips section of this bulletin.

5. Verify this is NOT a Wireless Network problem in your area. For instance, are multiple vehicles at your center unable to initialize BMW Assist services?

^ If multiple vehicles are having the same problem, submit a PuMA case listing all the VINs and the exact location where the error is occurring, e.g., city, state and cross street.

6. [NEW] Verify that the BMW Assist Response center has the correct Electronic Serial Number (ESN), Mobile Identification Number (MIN), and Mobile Device Number (MDN) on file for this vehicle. Use the following path within ISTA to obtain ESN, MIN and MDN:

^ Perform a vehicle test (if not already performed in step 3).

^ Function Structure

^ Body

^ Audio, Video, Telephone, Navigation (MOST network)

^ Telecommunication/Telephone

^ Reactivate internal telephone module

^ Start search

^ Select test module (Reactivate internal telephone module B8400_00358)

To comply with wireless service provider restrictions, when a BMW Assist account expires, BMW of North America, LLC must prevent the Network Access Device (NAD) from registering on the wireless network. If a BMW Assist account has expired and the vehicle was produced after 9/05
production, BMW may send the Power Off Command (POC) to the TCU. This means the NAD will not turn on or register on the network.

7. [NEW] Select Option 1 (Read MIN/MDN/SID/NID) and then select the right screen arrow.

8. Print the screen to record the ESN, MIN, and MDN.

9. Select the right screen arrow.

10. Contact BMW Assist by calling. Ask the BMW Assist Customer Care specialist to reconcile the account information on file to the data obtained from the vehicle.

^ Note: If the data on file was inaccurate, wait one hour before attempting reinitialization.

11. [NEW] Check the Emergency Call master bit using ISTA:

^ After the Vehicle Test is finished, highlight the TCU and select "ECU functions".

^ Select "Diagnosis Query".

^ Select "Emergency call status".

^ Select the button "Inquiry status".

12. Does "Emergency call status" display "active" or "inactive"?

^ "Activated" Continue normal diagnosis.

^ "Inactive" Code the complete vehicle, using the current version of ISTA/P.

13. After coding the complete vehicle, allow the TCU to assume sleep mode by turning the ignition off for 4 minutes.

14. Check the Emergency Call master bit again, as outlined in step 11.

^ "Activated" Initialize BMW Assist per SI B84 15 03.

"Inactive" The TCU should be replaced; refer to the TCU replacement section of this bulletin.


1. The black FAKRA connector at the TCU is for the main BMW Services cellular antenna. This antenna is located in the shark fin. The purple FAKRA connector goes to the backup BMW Services antenna.

^ Check the black FAKRA connector at the TCU and at the shark fin antenna. On vehicles not equipped with a shark fin antenna, look up the component locations on TIS.

^ Check the purple FAKRA connector at the TCU and at the backup antenna. The backup antenna location varies from model to model. Look up "W19" in the component locations on TIS.

2. Check the main and backup antenna cables with an ohm meter, using the procedure below:

^ Disconnect the coax cable from the antenna and from the TCU.

^ Check the coax cable core from end to end. You should have approximately 0 ohms of resistance.

^ Check the coax cable core to the shield. The ohm meter should display high resistance/open circuit.

^ If the desired readings are not obtained, the coax cable must be replaced.

^ Reconnect the coax cable.

3. [NEW] With the vehicle outside and with a clear line of sight, check the signal strength using one of the two procedures below:

^ Using the BMW Diagnostic System, check via "Diagnosis" in "ECU Functions".

^ In the service mode of the head unit, following the procedure outlined in SI B84 05 07
(Checking NAD Signal Strength for BMW Assist).


1. The root cause of the problem is under analysis; please refer to SI B84 23 05 (Enhanced Support for BMW Assist Telematics Control Unit [TCU] with Bluetooth & CPT9000 Phone Systems) prior to replacing the TCU.

2. Refer to TIS (RA 84 11...) for the TCU replacement procedure.

3. Before installing the new TCU, remove one copy of the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) label and place it on the repair order for reference during warranty claim entry. You will be asked for the new TCU "ESN" when submitting a claim via DCSnet. Refer to SI B01 10 05 for more details.

4. The second ESN label of the TCU should be affixed over the existing label in the Owner's Manual insert (P/N 01 49 0 157 963).

5. Complete the TCU installation.

6. [NEW] Using ISTA/P, answer "Yes" to "Have Control modules been replaced"; mark the TCU as replaced; and finish the measures plan.

7.Test the BMW Assist service for proper operation by placing a test call (press the Roadside Assistance "Wrench" button). Make sure the BMW Assist Response Center has received the correct MIN/MDN/VIN and location of the vehicle. Have the representative update his or her records as needed.


1. The BMW Assist services initialization procedure must be completed per SI B84 15 03 for all vehicles.

The vehicle must be in the Verizon Wireless Network for the initialization procedure to work properly. If the vehicle is not in the Verizon Wireless Network, perform the outlined procedure and then follow these additional steps:

^ Create a PuMA case to receive TCU shipping authorization.

^ Remove the TCU from the vehicle.

^ Send the TCU, BMW Assist TCU Reactivation Form with the new MIN/MDN numbers, and a copy of the PuMA case via FedEx to:se via FedEx to:

[NEW] BMW of North America, LLC.

Attn: TCU Teileclearing (TCU Reactivation B84 18 07)

200 Chestnut Ridge Road (Building 150)

Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677-7731

^ BMW of North America, LLC will initialize the TCU and ship it out on the same business day it was received.

^ After receiving the TCU from BMW of North America, reinstall the TCU and place a BMW Assist call, as outlined in the Testing of BMW Assist services section of this bulletin.

^ All shipping charges (both ways) are to be billed to the dealer's FedEx account. On the warranty claim, submit the FedEx shipping charges (double the amount provided to you by TC Teileclearing to cover shipment both ways) in the sublet section (using sublet code 4).

2. Test BMW Assist following the procedure outlined in the Testing of BMW Assist services section of this bulletin.


Test the BMW Assist service for proper operation by placing a test call (press the Roadside Assistance "Wrench" button). Make sure the BMW Assist Response Center has received the correct MIN/MDN/VIN and location of the vehicle. Have the representative update his or her records as needed.

Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty.

Please refer to the latest KSD for all applicable labor operations and allowances.

If the appropriate labor operation is not contained in KSD, then a work time labor operation should be used.

Defect Code 84 11 03 12 00
