Seat Belts
Seat Belts
The seat belt tensioners have the task of removing or reducing any belt slack in the pelvic and shoulder region. The seat belt tensioner forms a unit with the seat belt buckle. The belt buckle switch, a two-wire Hall switch, is monitored by the satellite. In the event of a fault, a fault memory entry is made in the relevant satellite.
Belt buckle switch
The belt buckle switch is supplied with clocked voltage by the satellite. The following shows the voltage curve that is measured at the airbag control unit when the voltage curve is OK. For the voltage measurement, the adapter lead must not be connected to the seatbelt buckle!
Comparison images for oscilloscope measurement:
Service functions
In all cases, only perform work on the fuel pump with the ignition off!
All work on the airbags must be carried out with the battery disconnected!
Connect and disconnect all BYTEFLIGHT control modules, sensors and generators only with the battery disconnected!
If a fiber-optic cable on the BYTEFLIGHT bus has to be repaired, it must be borne in mind that there may only be one join in a fiber-optic cable. If there is already a join due to a door connector, the fiber-optic cable must not be repaired. In the case of a defect, the fiber-optic cable must be replaced!