41 3 200 Pliers
41 3 200 Pliers
NOTE: (Set of pliers) For holding the CFRP roof in place when the roof is bonded into position.
SI number: 01 20 07 (406)
Consisting of:
1 = 0496316 Pliers
NOTE: (Locking pliers (1 piece)) Can no longer be ordered separately. Only available as part of set 41 3 200 = 83 30 0 496 315.
2 = 0496317 Pliers
NOTE: (Pliers (1 piece)) Can no longer be ordered separately. Only available as part of set 41 3 200 = 83 30 0 496 315.
3 = 0496318 Shaped element
NOTE: (Shaped elements (1 set)) Can no longer be ordered separately. Only available as part of set 41 3 200 = 83 30 0 496 315.
4 = 0496319 Shaped element
NOTE: (Shaped elements (1 set)) Can no longer be ordered separately. Only available as part of set 41 3 200 = 83 30 0 496 315.