51 4 100 Tool
51 4 100 Tool
NOTE: (punching tool) For punching the recess for the seat memory switch, when replacing the front and rear door trim Supplied complete in plastic case.
SI number: 01 23 09 (589)
Consisting of:
1 = 0496540 Tool
NOTE: (Lower yoke)
2 = 0496541 Tool
NOTE: (Upper yoke)
3 = 0496542 Die-plate
NOTE: (Cutting matrix) bottom for F01 / F02
4 = 0496543 Tool
NOTE: (Cutting punch) top for F01 / F02
5 = 0496544 Washer
NOTE: (Thrust washer)
6 = 0496545 nut
NOTE: (Wing nut) M12
7 = 0496546 Template
NOTE: For rear door trim F01
8 = 0496547 Template
NOTE: For rear door trim F02
9 = 0496548 Tool
NOTE: (Wad punch) Size 12 mm
10 = 0496549 Outpusher
NOTE: (Ejector) For removing residual punched portions from cutting matrix.
11 = 0496550 Hexagon socket
NOTE: (Allen wrench) 6 mm
12 = 0496636 nut
NOTE: as an alternative for 51 4 106 with tight packaging space
13 = 0496783 Die-plate
14 = 0496784 Tool
NOTE: Cutting punch for front door seat memory switch