52 14 407 Replacing Backrest Cover For Driver's Seat (Normal/Electric)
52 14 407 Replacing Backrest Cover For Driver's Seat (Normal/electric)
Special tools required:
Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove driver's seat.
- Remove rear panel on front seat backrest
Optional equipment with seat heating only:
Unfasten plug connection (1) and disconnect.
Unfasten plug connection (1) and disconnect.
Only with air conditioning optional equipment:
Open Velcro fasteners (1).
Unlock and disconnect plug connections (1) for fan.
Disengage backrest cover in lower area from attachment points.
Disengage backrest cover in upper area from attachment points.
With rear passenger compartment monitor optional equipment only:
Remove rear passenger compartment monitor.
Release tackers in marked area from carrier plate (1).
Remove clamps (2) at top left and right.
Replacement only:
New backrest cover must be cut to size.
Slide cutting base under cover.
Place template on leather edge.
Mark outline and cut out.
Installation note:
Mount head restraint to pretension backrest cover.
The seam of the backrest cover must not be wavy and must be flush with the backrest frame upper edge.
Align backrest cover centrally.
Tack backrest cover with pneumatic tacker (sourcing reference: see BMW workshop equipment) front inside outwards to carrier plate (1).
7 tackers on carrier plate at top.
4 tackers on left and right in side area.
52 0 050Bend new clamps closed with pliers.
Backrest cover must not show any folds.
Disengage cover welt from cover securing strip.
1. Raise cover welt from cover securing strip.
2. Pull cover welt upwards and feed out of cover securing strip.
Pull out backrest cover at bottom between backrest frame and seat mechanism.
Disengage backrest cover sideways.
Detach backrest cover with padding upwards from backrest frame.
Installation note:
Padding must be cleanly inserted between backrest frame and seat mechanism.
Release all clamps in marked area.
Remove backrest cover from upholstery.
IMPORTANT: Remove all remnants of clips from backrest cover (1) and upholstery.
Installation note:
Clamp positions are marked in upholstery.
Bend new clamp (2) 52 0 050closed with pliers.
1. Upholstery
2. Clamp
3. Trim wire in upholstery
4. Trim wire in backrest cover
5. Backrest cover
Replacement only:
Pull trim wires out of backrest cover.
Installation note:
Slide trim wires into new backrest cover.
If necessary, cut locators for trim wires in new part.
Lever out locking strip of head restraint guide with special tool 100 9 317.