52 25 403 Replacing Seat Cover For Left Rear Seat
52 25 403 Replacing Seat Cover For Left Rear Seat
Special tools required:
- 52 0 050
Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove rear seat
- Remove switch combination for seat adjustment
Unhook seat cover in marked area.
Unhook welt (1).
Cut open cable tie (2).
Replace defective cable ties.
Disconnect retainers in marked area
Remove seat cover with support.
Disconnect retainers in marked area
Disconnect retainers in marked area
Remove all remnants of clips from cover and support.
Replacement only:
- Pull all trim wires out of cover
- If necessary, cut pockets in new cover for trim wires
- Push trim wires into cover pockets
Insert new clamp (2) with special tool 52 0 050 and bend closed.
1. Padding
2. Retainer
3. Trim wire in padding
4. Trim wire in seat cover
5. Seat cover