63 01 97 (244) Light Bulb Replacement
63 01 97 (244) Light Bulb Replacement
All series
Warranty analyses as well as returned light bulbs from the dealer organisation show that light bulbs are often replaced at will and incorrect reimbursement claims are made. In many cases, no fault can be found in the light bulb. This is reflected not least in high warranty costs. Incorrect replacement is additionally responsible for repeated light bulb failures.
Affected vehicles:
All models
When replacing light bulbs, the following rules (which are already known) must be followed:
1. If a light system is defective, the function of the light bulb must be tested with a light bulb tester (available from Osram, order number 41523) or a multimeter.
Intact parts will not be reimbursed.
2. If a light bulb is defective and shows distinct traces of black discoloration, the light bulb with the same function (e.g. left and right parking light) can be replaced if it also shows distinct traces of black discoloration.
a. Only replace light bulbs with the light system switched off.
b. Touch the glass bulb only with a clean cloth or when wearing a glove (risk of premature failure due to local overheating).
c. Avoid surge loads in the light bulb and light system (risk of premature damage and failure).
d. Check contacts for traces of oxidation, clean if necessary and check contact forces.
3. "Bogus repairs" by knocking on the light system can only result in temporary improvement.
4. In the case of a noticeably high number or repeated light bulb failures on a vehicle, the wiring supply voltage should be checked with the BMW DIS.
5. Only light bulbs approved by BMW from the manufacturers GE, Osram, Philips or Sylvania should be used for replacement purposes.
The reason for replacing the light bulb must be given on the warranty parts tag and clear allocation of the light bulb to the vehicle (vehicle identification number) must be ensured.