62 30 ... General Notes on the Head-Up Display
62 30 ... General Notes On The Head-Up Display
- A special windscreen must be fitted to ensure that the Head-Up Display image can be projected correctly.
- This windscreen comprises three sections. An outer and an inner glass pane are connected by a wedge-shaped plastic film.
- The wedge shape prevents double projection of the Head-Up Display.
- When the windscreen is replaced, the vehicle identification number and parts catalogue must be consulted to ascertain whether the windscreen in question is suitable for Head Up Display.
Example of the display with a conventional windscreen:
With a conventional windscreen, the projected image is reflected on the inner and outer glass pane, producing a double image.
NOTE: Windscreens for Head-Up Display are marked with the letters "HUD" on the outside at the bottom right below the seal (1).