Instruments - TCB: Emergency Call Is Disabled
SI B84 04 13Communication Systems
March 2013
Technical Service
TCB: Emergency Call Is Disabled
With TCB (BMW Assist)
Produced from July 1, 2012 to July 1, 2013
A Check Control message shows "Emergency call failure." When the SOS button is pressed, the call is not made by the TCB (Telematics Communication Box). Fault code 0XB7F33F is stored in the TCB.
TCB application error
Do not replace parts!
1. Verify the CCM in the Kombi is present, as stated above in "Situation."
2. Perform a vehicle test and complete the test plan linked to fault code 0XB7F33F.
^ To activate the "Emergency Call" function, the test plan must be completed.
^ The test plan states it is deleting the fault code, but it does not.
When the ISTA system message displays: Battery voltage only "XX.XX" V. Please connect charger. Please note the displayed battery voltage reading in the repair order comments section.
3. Perform a quick delete to delete the fault code before ending the diagnostic session.
4. If the customer has a valid BMW Assist account, make an emergency test call by pressing the SOS button. Advise the Assist representative that this is a BMW test call. Ask him or her to verify the following information:
^ Vehicle position
^ All the data is successfully transferred.
5. Then ask the Assist representative to end the call.
Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty.
Labor operation code 00 00 006 is a Main labor operation. If you are using a Main labor code for another repair, use the Plus code labor operation 00 00 556 instead.
Refer to KSD2 for the corresponding flat rate unit (FRU) allowance. Enter the Chassis Number, which consists of the last 7 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Click on the "Search" button, and then enter the applicable flat rate labor operation in the FR code field.
Even though work time labor operation code 84 99 000 ends in "000," it is not considered a Main labor operation.