51 31 ... General Procedure When Dismantling/Installing Bonded Window Glass
Erforderliche Spezialwerkzeuge:
- 00 9 322
- 51 0 010
- 51 3 220
51 31 ... General Procedure When Dismantling/Installing Bonded Window Glass
1 General information:
Follow general instructions on window bonding.
Materials needed for window bonding.
The vehicle can be towed away or driven without a windscreen, rear window and side window.
When carrying out dismantling/installation work and during the hardening time, the vehicle must be standing on its wheels on a level floor.
The windscreen, rear window and side windows are glued to the body. This bonding will increase the torsional rigidity of the vehicle. To obtain perfect bonding, comply with the installation procedure described in the following.
2 Dismantling:
The following dismantling methods are applied, according to the version:
- Roll Out 2000
- Oscillating knife
- Cutting wire with wire pull handles
- When cutting out the window glass with wire pull handles, there is a risk of damage to the window glass if the wire is pulled over the window edge.
- Unless otherwise described, only use this method when replacing the window glass.
Follow the vehicle-specific repair instructions.
3 Installation:
Place the front or rear window on the universal work table or fix it onto the tool trolley with a suction lifter.
When placing the window glass on the universal work table, attach two suction lifters to the window glass.
According to its size, fix side and door window glass onto the tool trolley using suction lifters or special tool 51 3 220 and set down on a suitable surface.
Always keep the suction faces of the window glass suction lifters dry and clean.
NOTE: If accessibility is restricted, insert the window glass on a trial basis.
3.1 Remove adhesive residue from the body and window glass:
To remove the residual adhesive bead (1) from the body aperture and when reusing on the window glass (3), use the pinchweld scraper (2).
Position the pinchweld scraper (2) as shown and detach residual adhesive bead (1) to a thickness of approx. 0.5 mm.
Do not remove residual adhesive bead (1) until shortly before bonding.
3.2 Treatment of adhesive area in body aperture:
- Touch up paintwork damage on body aperture with BMW multibase filler.
- Clean with cleaning agent R2
- Observe an air drying time of at least 5 minutes (at least 15 minutes when applied to residual adhesive bead)
- Apply paint activator (blue stick) to paint and then wipe dry with a paper towel.
- Observe an air drying time of at least 1 minute (at least 10 minutes when applied to residual adhesive bead)
IMPORTANT: Do not use Sika remover 208 for cleaning in the adhesive area.
Bond two yellow plastic adhesive tapes (1) approx. 400 mm in length to the roof.
(A) = 250 mm
Only the yellow plastic adhesive tape may be used to fix the window glass.
The glass will slip down if other adhesive tapes are used.
Window glass slippage will result in leaks and wind noises.
After completing the paint work, the paint must be fully hardened before the plastic adhesive tapes are applied.
3.3 Installation of spacer (spacer buffer/dual-lock tapes)
Remove all remnants of existing spacers completely before sticking on new spacers.
The exact position of the spacers must be retained (see vehicle-specific repair instructions).
Incorrectly fitted spacers will result in:
- Window glass breakage due to tension
- Leakage (if the spacer is in the adhesive area)
- Wind noises
3.4 Add-on part
Depending on the version, attach sealing, expanding foam tape, rain sensor, etc.
Follow the vehicle-specific repair instructions.
3.5 Treatment of ceramic glass surface (inside of window)
- Clean with cleaning agent R2
- Observe an air drying time of at least 5 minutes
Only for new window glass:
- Apply a thin coat of glass activator (yellow stick); a final wipe is not necessary.
- Observe an air drying time of at least 2 minutes
The bonding agent is used for adhesion between glass or ceramic glass and the adhesive. Therefore, a thin, homogeneous and continuous line of bonding agent must be applied. If the window glass is to be reused with a cut-back adhesive bead, bonding agent is not needed.
It must be ensured that a 1 to 2 mm wide line of bonding agent is located on the ceramic glass next to the squeezed adhesive bead.
The adhesive bead may become up to 15 mm wide in compressed condition. The width of the adhesion agent is therefore at least 17 mm with windscreens and rear windows and at least 9 mm with side window.
The bonding agent may not be applied in the field of view or the point grid. Fresh bonding agent in the field of view must immediately be wiped off with cleaning agent R2 because hardened bonding agent will leave a haze behind.
3.6 Version with inspection glass for vehicle identification number in windscreen
Close off the inspection glass (bottom left) with Sika bonding base VP 206.
Except for:
All US/GB models.
In addition, all models with a black dashboard cover, which means that the body colour cannot be seen through the inspection glass.
3.7 Nozzle preparation
When not using standard nozzle C, prepare plastic nozzle(s) for shaping the adhesive bead.
Follow the vehicle-specific repair instructions.
Black ceramic glass impermeable to UV light is located on the peripheral zone of the inside edge of the window to protect the adhesive bead.
Ceramic glass must not be damaged.
3.8 Apply adhesive:
Adhesive is applied to the window glass with a cartridge gun.
Glue cartridge must be vertical to window glass.
The almost vertical part of the adhesive bead must be facing the outer window glass edge.
On window glass with guidelines, the adhesive bead must be applied centrally between the guidelines.
On window glass without guidelines, the position of the adhesive bead is specified in the vehicle-specific repair instructions.
Spread the bead joint (1) with special tool 00 9 322.
Effect of differing adhesive quantities:
Note on bonding of windscreen:
The adhesive amount specified in the vehicle-specific repair instructions is sufficient if the specified adhesive bead size is maintained.
If too much adhesive is applied due to application-related variations (manual application), the specified adhesive amount may not be sufficient. To avoid interrupting adhesive application for longer than the permitted period, have another glue cartridge ready.
- Once the adhesive bead has been applied, the window glass must be installed within 7 minutes (depending on air humidity, temperature).
- After 7 minutes the adhesive bead forms a skin which can no longer guarantee a perfect bond.
3.9 Mounting the window glass:
To prevent a pressure build-up in the passenger compartment when the doors are closed:
- Open a side window
Mount window glass (1) with suction lifter (51 3 010).
3.10 Adjusting the window glass:
To avoid wind noise, the front and rear windows (1) must be lower than the roof outer skin (2).
Check height of the windscreen or rear window using special tool 51 0 010.
Dimension (A) of window glass offset, refer to vehicle-specific repair instructions.
X = measurement stages 1 ... 4 mm
3.11 Fixing the window glass
Fix the window glass with yellow plastic adhesive tapes (2).
Immediately remove dirt contamination with adhesive residue using Sika remover 208. Do not press out the window glass again.
Hardened adhesive can only be removed mechanically.
3.12 Label
Depending on version, apply label.