Frame: Service and Repair
41 21 685 Replace Side Frame, Left Complete. (Rear Side Panel Removed)
Observe procedure for repair stage 3.
Read contents of Body, General.
Spot-weld bonding is used on this vehicle. Observe specific procedure.
Use only approved spot-welding apparatus for repairs.
For stripping and rigging operations, refer to texts on KSD CD (job number 41 21 685).
Place vehicle on straightening bench.
Following new body parts are required (refer to Electronic Parts Catalogue):
- (1) Outer side frame
- (2) Water collection box
- (3) Shaped part, carrier support, wheel arch, front (not shown)
- (4) Shaped part, carrier support, wheel arch (not shown)
Following consumables are required:
Removal of side frame, complete
Roughly mark severance cuts (1) and cut.
Open welded connections in areas (2).
Loosen spot-welded adhesive joints in area (3).
Release the side frame connection from the cavity sealing (4) and remove.
Remove cavity sealing (4).
Roughly cut out crash support (1).
Drill 2 weld point connections (1) with drill dia. 6.8 mm.
Remove remaining areas of the 2 weld point connections (1) through grinding.
Drill through weld point connection (2). (installation preparation for plug-welding)
Introduce another 2 bore holes with the specified dimensions:
Bore hole at dimension a = 50 mm from centre point of bore hole (1). Diameter 6.8 mm.
Bore hole at dimension a = 35 mm from centre point of bore hole (2). (installation preparation for plug-welding)
Release spot-welded adhesive joints in areas (3) and (4).
- During installation, the new part is joined in the areas (3) by adhesive riveting.
- Weld new part in area (4) during installation.
View of A-pillar in passenger compartment.
Undo metal active gas welded connections in areas (1).
View of B pillar from passenger compartment.
Open welded connections in areas (1).
Open welded connections in area (1).
Open brazed connection in area (1).
Open welded connections in areas (2).
Open spot-welded adhesive joints in areas (3).
Roughly mark severance cut (1) as pictured and cut.
Open weld joints in area (2) and remove sheet section.
Release bonded connection (3).
Roughly mark severance cut (1) as pictured and cut.
Remove sheet section.
Undo bonded connection (2) and remove entrance.
New part preparation
Adjust new part to fit with alignment bracket or universal mount and secure.
In area (1), drill bore hole dia. 6.8 mm for blind rivet N2.
Set bore hole centrally through hole (2).
For drilling the holes, use twist drill 6.8 x 156 mm.
During removal, transfer created bore holes (1) and (2) to new part.
For this, drill new part through holes (1) and (2) with drill dia. 6.8 mm.
Set 4 drill holes (1) dia. 6.8 mm for blind rivets N1.
(2) = weld point connections on new part.
Remove new part again and deburr bore holes.
NOTE: In all other areas, prepare new part for joining by welding.
- Structure bonding.
- Observe preparation of bonding surfaces.
Installation of side frame, complete
Clean all bonding surfaces on vehicle and on new part with cleaning agent R1.
Apply adhesive K1 to bonding surfaces (1) to new part and vehicle.
Apply sealant to cavity sealings and install.
Install new part and reinforcement plate with alignment bracket or universal mount and secure.
In area (1), rivet new part with blind rivet N2.
Rivet new part in areas (1) with blind rivets N2.
In area (2), use blind rivet N1.
In areas (1), rivet new part with blind rivets N1.
In areas (1), plug-weld new part.
(1) = bore holes created during removal
Weld new part in remaining joint areas.
- Risk of damage.
- Avoid applying excessive heat to the neighbouring adhesive areas.
Apply sealant to water collection box and to vehicle. Install water collection box.