Electrical - Battery Discharged Due To Driving Profile
SI B61 05 12General Electrical Systems
March 2013
Technical Service
This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B61 05 12 dated February 2013.
[NEW] designates changes to this revision
Battery Discharged Because of Unfavorable Driving Profile
E70 (X5)
E71 (X6)
All vehicle production dates are affected.
In certain situations, the battery may become discharged when the vehicle is driven frequently on short trips (less than 3 miles per trip), or when the telephone or entertainment system is used for up to 30 minutes while the vehicle is stationary.
The vehicle charging system, in extreme conditions, is not able to properly compensate for the excessive discharging of the battery caused by an unfavorable driving profile.
1. Perform a vehicle short test and identify any low voltage or power management faults stored in the vehicle.
When the ISTA system message displays: Battery voltage only "XX.XX" V. Please connect charger. Please note the displayed battery voltage reading in the repair order comments section.
2. Perform the energy diagnosis test plan per SI B61 13 05 to determine the cause or faulty component. Perform the applicable test plans according to the information provided from energy diagnosis.
3. [NEW] If the "Most likely cause" listed on the results screen is not "Unfavorable driving profile," troubleshoot as per the energy diagnosis test plan recommendations (see other repairs and SI B61 13 05.
4. [NEW] If the "Most likely cause" is listed as "Unfavorable driving profile," proceed to the next step.
5. [NEW] Start an ISTA/P programming session using ISTA/P 2.48.2 or higher.
6. [NEW] Select "Conversions" and add "Conversion, encoding package short-distance profile" to the measures plan.
7. [NEW] Program and code the vehicle per the measures plan recommendations.
8. [NEW] The HO-Word "+KVNK" will be added to the vehicle order
Note that ISTA/P will automatically reprogram and code all programmable control modules that do not have the latest software.
For information on programming and coding with ISTA/P, refer to CenterNet / Aftersales / Workshop Technology / Vehicle Programming.
9. Inform the customer that afier this VO modification has been performed, the time it takes until complete sleep mode has been reduced from 30 to 20 minutes.
Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty.
Labor operation code 00 00 006 is a Main labor operation. If you are using a Main labor code for another repair, use the Plus code labor operation 00 00 556 instead.
Refer to KSD2 for the corresponding flat rate unit (FRU) allowance. Enter the Chassis Number, which consists of the last 7 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Click on the "Search" button, and then enter the applicable flat rate labor operation in the FR code field.
If a control module fails to program correctly or initializations are required, the additional work must be claimed with separate labor operations under the defect code listed above; refer to KSD2.
[NEW] Other Repairs
As outlined in the Procedure section, if performing energy diagnosis test plans results with other eligible and covered work, claim this work with the applicable defect code and labor operations listed in KSD2.
Please follow any TeileClearing (TC) or Diagcode (DC) requirements that may apply to this additional work.