Window Adjustment - Endgate Cross Car
Window Adjustment - Endgate Cross Car
Adjustment Procedure
1. Lower the endgate window approximately halfway down.
2. Swing the endgate open.
3. Remove the endgate trim panel.
4. Loosen the window attachment clip bolts (1).
5. Adjust the cross car position of the endgate window by turning the adjustment cam screw (2).
6. Turn the adjustment cam screws to center the window to the opening with the rear roof applique.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
7. Tighten the window attachment clip bolts (1).
Tighten the window attachment clip bolts to 10 N.m (89 lb in).
8. Install the endgate window sealing strip to the endgate flanges.
9. Install the endgate trim panel.