Wiring Harness Replacement - Endgate
1. Open the endgate.
2. Remove the endgate trim panel.
3. Remove the endgate control module.
4. Remove the endgate inner reinforcement panel.
5. Remove the endgate window.
6. Remove the bolt (2) retaining the wiring harness to the body.
7. Release the retainers (3) retaining the wiring harness grommet to the body.
8. Disconnect the endgate wiring harness to body harness connector (1).
9. Disconnect the rear washer hose connection (4).
10. Disconnect the window regulator connector (3).
11. Disconnect the rear wiper motor connector (2).
12. Disconnect the rear high mounted brake lamp connector (5).
13. Disconnect the relay connector (4).
14. Disconnect the left side upper and lower latch connectors (1).
15. Disconnect the right side upper latch connector (4).
16. Release the retainers attaching the endgate wiring harness to the endgate.
17. Push the endgate harness grommet (2) into the endgate.
18. Pull the endgate harness to body harness connector (3) through the opening in the endgate.
19. Remove the endgate wiring harness from the endgate.
1. Install the endgate wiring harness to body harness connector (3) into the small access hole of the endgate, and out the endgate wiring harness grommet hole.
2. Install the endgate wiring harness grommet (2) into the hole in the endgate.Ensure the grommet is fully seated in the endgate.
3. Install the retainers attaching the endgate wiring harness to the endgate.
4. Connect the right upper latch connector (4).
5. Connect the left upper and lower connectors (1).
6. Connect the relay connector (4).
7. Connect the rear high mounted brake lamp connector (5).
8. Connect the rear wiper motor connector (2).
9. Connect the window regulator connector (3).
10. Connect the rear washer hose connection (4).
11. Connect the endgate wiring harness to body harness connector (1).
12. Install the endgate wiring harness grommet to the body.
13. Install the bolt retaining the wiring harness to the body.
NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
Tighten the wiring harness bracket bolt to 10 N.m (89 lb in).
14. Install the endgate window.
15. Install the endgate inner reinforcement.
16. Install the endgate control module.
17. Install the endgate trim panel.
18. Close the endgate.
19. Perform the window learn cycle.