Aluminum Wheel Porosity Repair
Aluminum Wheel Porosity Repair
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the tire and wheel.
3. Inflate the tire to the manufactures specified pressure as stated on the tire.
4. Submerge the tire/wheel into a water bath in order to locate the leak.
5. Inscribe a mark on the wheel in order to indicate the leak areas.
6. Inscribe a mark on the tire at the valve stem in order to Indicate the orientation of the tire to the wheel.
7. Remove the tire from the wheel.
8. Use number 80 grit sandpaper to scuff the inside of the rim surface at the leak area.
Important: Do not damage the exterior surface of the wheel.
9. Use general purpose cleaner such as 3M(R), P/N 08984 or equivalent, to clean the leak area.
10. Apply 3 mm (0.12 inch) thick layer of adhesive/sealant, GM P/N 1052366 or equivalent, to the leak area.
11. Allow for the adhesive/sealant to dry.
12. Align the inscribed mark on the tire with the valve stem on the wheel.
13. Install the tire to the wheel.
14. Inflate the tire to the manufactures specified pressure as stated on the tire.
15. Submerge the tire/wheel into a water bath in order ensure the leak is sealed.
16. Balance the tire and wheel. Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing - Off-Vehicle.
17. Install the tire and wheel.
18. Lower the vehicle.