Drive Belt: Service and Repair
Drive Belt Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Raise the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the right engine splash shield.
3. Rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise to release the drive belt tension.
4. Remove the drive belt from the generator.
5. Slowly release the drive belt tensioner.
6. Remove the drive belt from the accessory drive pulleys.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the right engine splash shield.
2. Lower the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
3. Install the drive belt to the accessory drive pulley.
4. Rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise.
5. Install the drive belt to the generator.
Important: Ensure the drive belt is properly aligned and seated into the grooves of the accessory drive pulleys.
6. Slowly release the drive belt tensioner.