Engine: Service and Repair
1. Remove hood; for easier installation, scribe marks should be made at hood hinge and the hinge bracket.
2. Disconnect battery.
3. Drain coolant into a suitable container.
4. Remove air cleaner.
5. On cars equipped with air conditioning, disconnect compressor ground wire from the mounting bracket. Remove the electrical connector from the compressor clutch, remove the compressor to mounting bracket attaching bolts, and position the compressor out of the way.
6. Remove fan blade, pulleys, and belts.
7. Disconnect radiator and heater hoses from engine and fasten them out of the way.
8. Remove fan shroud assembly.
9. Remove power steering pump to mounting bracket bolts and position pump assembly out of the way.
10. Remove and plug fuel pump hoses.
11. Disconnect battery ground cable from engine.
12. Disconnect all vacuum lines from the engine to parts not attached to the engine.
13. Disconnect throttle control cable and downshift or throttle valve cable at carburetor.
14. Disconnect oil and coolant sending unit switch connections at the engine.
15. Disconnect engine to body ground strap at engine.
16. Raise car, disconnect starter cables, and disconnect the cable shield from the engine.
17. Disconnect exhaust pipes from exhaust manifolds and support the exhaust system.
18. Remove converter cover.
19. Remove flywheel to converter attaching bolts. Scribe chalk mark on the flywheel and converter for reassembly alignment.
20. Remove transmission to engine attaching bolts.
21. Remove motor mount bolts (and cruise control bracket, if so equipped).
22. Lower the car and support the transmission.
23. Attach a lifting device such as BT-6606 to the engine and raise the engine enough so mounting through bolts can be removed. Make certain wiring harness, vacuum hoses, and other parts are free and clear before lifting engine out of car.
24. Raise engine far enough to clear engine mounts, raise transmission support accordingly and alternately until engine can be disengaged from the transmission and removed.
1. Slowly lower engine into car until engine and transmission are engaged and scribe marks are aligned.
2. It may be necessary to alternately raise and lower transmission to fit motor mount through-bolts into position. Install through-bolt and nut and torque nut to 48 N.m (35 ft. lbs.).
3. Raise car and install transmission to engine attaching bolts. Torque transmission to engine bolts to 48 N.m (35 ft. lbs.). Install torque converter cover and torque bolts to 5.5 N.m (4 ft. lbs.).
4. Connect crossover pipe to exhaust manifold and torque bolts to 24 N.m (18 ft. lbs.).
5. Connect the starter cables to the starter and cable shield to the engine block.
6. Lower the car and reconnect the body ground strap to the engine, the coolant and oil switch sending unit connectors, the throttle control cable, all vacuum and water hoses, and the emission control line from the canister to the carburetor.
7. Connect the battery ground cable to the engine.
8. Connect the fuel lines to the fuel pump.
9. Reposition the power steering pump into the pump brackets and secure.
10. Install fan shroud.
11. Install pulley, fan and belts. Adjust belt tension using gage BT-7825 (Belt tension chart).
12. Reinstall air conditioning compressor to bracket.
13. Reinstall air cleaner.
14. Reinstall coolant to proper level. Start engine and recheck for proper fill.
15. Reinstall hood, noting proper alignment of scribe marks.
16. Connect battery.