Governor Assembly
1. Check governor cover for damage and restricted oil passages. Use compressed air to blow out restricted oil passages.2. Using a suitable solvent, thoroughly clean and blow dry governor cover.
3. Check governor driven gear for damage, if damaged replace as follows:
a. Using a suitable screwdriver, remove governor gear snap ring, thrust washer and driven gear. Ensure governor driven gear is vertical when removing to retain overnor weight pin in position.
b. Reverse procedure to install.
4. Check governor shaft seal ring for damage. Check for free operation of governor weights. Weights must operate freely and independent of each other.
5. Check governor spring for damage and proper installation. Ensure two overnor check balls are installed.
6. heck governor shaft, washer and seal for damage. If seal is damaged, cut seal from governor shaft Do not damage seal ring groove when removing seal.
7. Lubricate and install seal ring, if necessary.
8. Install governor assembly into transmission case.
9. Install governor cover and bolts, torque bolts to 18 ft lbs (24 Nm). Ensure governor shaft is guided into governor cover before torquing governor cover bolts.