Technical Procedure
1. Open vehicle hood and cover fenders2. Place material under proportioner valve connections to protect under hood parts from brake fluid.
3. Refer to Figure #1 and replace front and rear brake proportioner valves.
4. Replace right and left rear brake assemblies using the following procedure on each side.
a. Hoist vehicle.
b. Remove rear wheel and tire assembly..
c. Remove rear brake drum.
Do not hammer on brake drum, as damage to bearings could result.
d. Disconnect brake pipe from wheel cylinder.
e. Remove the hub and bearing assembly using a #50 torx driver tool (Special Tool #J-23457).
f. Reinstall one mounting bolt to hold the backing plate to the axle.
g. Disconnect the parking brake cable from the backing plate by depressing three prongs with a screwdriver while pulling the cable out.
h. Loosen the parking brake adjuster until all the tension is removed from the parking brake cable return spring.
i. Remove the parking brake strut and spring.
A. Remove proportioner valve assembly (s) as shown
A. Lubricate "O" ring seal with brake fluid
B. Install new proportioner valve (with seal) in master cylinder and 33 N-m (24 ft.lbs.)
C. Torque tube nuts to 17 N-m (13 ft.lbs.)
j. Disconnect the parking brake cable end from the parking brake lever.
k. Remove the backing plate assembly.
l. Remove the parking brake strut and spring from the new backing plate assembly and set them aside.
m. Insert the parking brake cable part way into the new backing plate. Connect the parking brake cable end to the parking brake lever. Then push the cable all the way into the new backing plate until it locks.
n. Reinstall the parking brake strut and spring.
o. Install the new backing plate assembly and the hub and bearing assembly on the axle and torque the mounting bolts to 60 N-m (45 ft. lbs.).
p. Reconnect the brake pipe and torque to 2.0 N-m (15 ft.lbs.).
5. Inspect both backing plate assemblies to insure all parts are present and properly installed.
6. Install the new brake drums and adjust the brake shoes first until there is noticeable drag on the drums, and then back off the adjusters until there is no drag.
7. Reinstall the rear wheel and tire assemblies and torque lug nuts to 140 N-m (100 ft.lbs.).
8. Adjust the parking brake cable so that, with the parking brake pedal depressed three (3) clicks, the right-rear wheel can just be turned rearward using two hands, but is locked when forward rotation is attempted. Refer to page 5-34 in the "1984 Chassis Service Manual."
It is important that the parking brake is not adjusted too tightly causing brake drag.
9. Remove and discard the rear axle bar code label located on trailing axle assembly.
10. Lower vehicle and bleed the brake system at rear wheel cylinders until all air is removed. Refer to page 5-12, 5-13, and 5-14 in the "1984 Chassis Service Manual."
11. Fill master cylinder to proper level and check brake system for any leaks. Correct leaks as required.
12. Affix furnished JA3 identification labels next to the Service Parts Identification Label. This label is located near the right rear wheel well under spare tire cover.
13. Remove and discard the master cylinder bar code label.
14. Install a Campaign Identification Label.
Each label provides a space to include the campaign number, the five (5) digit Dealer Code of the dealer performing the campaign service, and the date vehicle was campaigned. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ballpoint pen. When installing label, clean the surface of the radiator upper mounting panel and apply the campaign label where it is readily visible.
Replaced parts must be held for disposition by Buick Contact Personnel. Parts must have a claim tag attached showing the repair order and the VIN of the vehicle from which they were removed.