1. Remove governor, oil pan, screen and valve body on all models, then remove governor pressure switch on torque converter clutch models, see image.
2. Remove speedometer driven gear bolt, washer, retainer and driven gear.
3. Remove 1-2 accumulator spring, see first image, fifth check ball located in case, see second image, and electrical connector, see third and fourth image.
4. Compress intermediate servo cover using tool J-29714 or equivalent, remove retaining ring, see first image, then remove cover and seal ring, see second image, with suitable pliers.
5. Remove intermediate servo piston and band apply pin, see first image. If intermediate servo cover and seal assembly cannot be removed, place a shop cloth and hand over cover and case, then apply compressed air into direct clutch accumulator port, see second image.
6. Check for correct intermediate band apply pin as follows:
a. Pace tool J-25014-2 into intermediate servo bore and retain with intermediate servo cover retaining ring. Align ring gap with case slot, see image.
b. Install pin J-2501 4-1 into tool J-2501 4-2, see image above step 6a. Assure that tapered pin end is properly located against band apply lug, and that band anchor pin is properly located in case and on and anchor lug.
c. Install dial indicator and place dial indicator point on top of J-25014-2 zero post and set dial indicator to zero, see image above step 6a. Seat J-25014-2 squarely against servo retaining snap ring.
d. Align stepped side of pin J-25014-1 with torquing arm of J-25014-2. Arm must stop against step of pin. If band selection pin does not register between the high and low limits, check for possible problem with intermediate band, direct clutch or case.
e. Make sure that band anchor pin is located inside of case, then apply 100 inch lbs. (12 Nm) torque to hex nut on side of gauge and slide dial indicator over pin J-25014-1. Check dial indicator reading and refer to chart, for proper size. Dial indicator travel is reversed, making the readings backwards. On an indicator that ranges from 0-100, a 0.020 (.5 mm) inch travel will read .080 inch (2 mm), a .060 inch (1.5 mm travel will read .040 inch (1 mm). The identification ring is located on the band end of the pin.
f. After check is completed remove retaining ring and tools J-25014-1 and J-25014-2.
7. Inspect third accumulator check valve for these conditions; missing check ball, check ball stuck or binding in tube, oil feed slot in tube restricted or missing, improperly assembled, not fully seated, loose fitting, damaged or missing. If replacing third accumulator check valve:
a. Remove check valve assembly from case using a no. 4 easy out, turning and pulling straight out, see image.
b. Install new check valve assembly, small end first, into case. Position oil feed slot in tube so that if faces servo cover.
c. Using 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) diameter metal rod and hammer, drive check valve assembly until flush or below surface or third accumulator case hole, see image.
8. Check front unit endplay as follows:
a. Install J-25013-1 sleeve on output shaft, then bolt J-25013-5 on end of case, see image.
b. Turn transmission to vertical position with pump side up.
c. Remove pump to case bolt and washer and install an 11 inch (278 mm) bolt and locknut, see image.
d. Push turbine shaft downward and install tool J-25022 onto J-24773 and secure tools onto end of turbine shaft, see image above step 8c.
e. Mount dial indicator onto bolt and position indicator point against cap nut of J-24733, see image above step 8c.
f. Move output shaft upward by turning adjusting screw on J-25013-5 until white line or scribed line on sleeve J-25013 just starts to disappear, then zero dial indicator.
g. Pull upward on tool J-24773 and read endplay. Front unit end play should be 0.022-0.051 inch (0.56-1.3 mm). Selective washer which controls this endplay is located between the output shaft and turbine shaft. If more or less washer thickness is required to bring endplay within specifications, select proper washer from chart in image.
h. Remove dial indicator, clamp assembly, J-24773 and J-25022. Do not remove J-25013-5 or J-25013-1.
9. If necessary, remove pump oil seal and discard.
10. Remove pump-to-case bolts, then using tool J-24773, remove pump assembly and gasket, see image.
11. Remove turbine shaft and direct and forward clutch assemblies, see image.
12. Lift direct clutch assembly off forward clutch assembly. Direct to forward clutch thrust washer may adhere to end of direct clutch housing when it is removed from forward clutch housing.
13. Remove intermediate band assembly see first image, and band anchor pin, see second image.
14. Remove output shaft to turbine shaft front selective washer, see image. This washer may be stuck on end of turbine shaft.
15. Check rear unit endplay as follows:
a. Loosen tool J-25013-5 adjusting screw on output shaft and push shaft downward, see image.
b. Install dial indicator on case, then place pointer against output shaft and zero dial indicator, see image.
c. Move output shaft upward by turning adjusting screw on tool J-25013-5 until white or scribed line on sleeve J-25013-1 begins to disappear. Rear unit endplay should be 0.004-0.025 inch (0.10-0.64 mm). Selective washer controlling endplay is located between the front internal gear thrust washer and output shaft snap ring. If endplay is not within specifications, select correct thrust washer from chart in image.
16. Remove output shaft to selective washer snap ring, front internal gear, rear selective washer and thrust washer, see image.
17. Remove rear selective washer and thrust washer from front internal gear.
18. Remove front carrier assembly and front internal gear to front carrier roller bearing assembly, see image. Front sun gear to front carrier thrust bearing may come out as the front carrier is removed.
19. Remove front sun gear and sun gear to carrier thrust bearing, see image. This thrust bearing requires only one thrust race.
20. Remove input drum and rear sun gear, see image, then remove the tanged input drum to reverse clutch housing thrust washer from rear of input drum or reverse clutch housing. If low and reverse clutch housing assembly has to be removed, the low and reverse clutch piston travel must be checked.
21. Using a 14 sheet metal screw, remove housing to case cup plug and seal by turning screw 2 or 3 turns and pulling straight out, see image. Discard plug and seal. If cup plug will not come out, grind about 3/4 inch (20 mm) from end of 4 easy out to remove plug. Use 14 sheet metal screw to remove seal.
22. Remove low and reverse clutch housing to case snap ring, see image. Flat side of snap ring should be against low and reverse clutch housing with beveled side up.
23. Using tool J-25012, remove low and reverse clutch housing by moving tool back and forth, see first image, then remove low and reverse clutch housing to case spacer ring, see second image.
24. If not already removed, remove governor.
25. Remove remainder of rear unit parts, see image, then remove low and reverse clutch selective spacer, roller clutch and rear carrier assembly. Some models have a two pinion carrier with pinions directly opposite each other.
26. Remove tanged rear carrier to rear internal gear thrust washer from end of rear carrier or inside rear internal gear, see image.
27. Remove low and reverse clutch plates off output shaft, then remove rear internal gear to rear sun gear roller thrust bearing assembly off rear internal gear and remove rear internal gear off output shaft, see image. On some models, the rear internal gear is pressed onto the output shaft and should not be removed. The units on these models should be serviced as an assembly.
28. Remove tools J-25013-5 and J-25013-1 from case, then turn transmission to vertical position with rear end facing upward.
29. If necessary, remove rear oil seal.
30. Remove detent lever to manual shaft nut, see image, then remove park actuator rod and inside detent lever assembly.
31. Remove manual shaft retaining pin and slide shaft out, see image above step 30.
32. If manual shaft case seal is damaged, pry seal out using a screwdriver.
33. Remove park bracket and parking pawl shaft retaining pin, then using a 4 (6.3 mm) easy out, remove parking pawl cup plug, see image above step 30.
34. sing a sheet metal screw or 3 (4 mm) easy out, remove parking pawl shaft, then remove pawl and return spring, see image above step 30.