Paint - Painting Flexible Plastic Parts
Bulletin 84-10-18Date June '84
Ref..No. 84-267-10
In order to achieve a durable finish when painting flexible plastic exterior parts identified by standard symbol E/P or TPO, a special material and procedure is required. Some example parts are:
^ Rear End Panel
^ Front Fender Filler
^ Rear Bumper Extension
^ Front and Rear Bumpers
The original factory applied paint used on these parts is in most cases baked elastomeric enamels. However, for repair, either a lacquer or enamel may be used along with an approved primer.
The Dupont and Ditzler system described in this bulletin can be used on painting such parts. Spot repair is not recommended.
CAUTION: As with all paint systems using an additive containing isocyanates, it is mandatory that one of the following respirators or equivalent be worn during the entire painting process: Willson Paint Respirator #122115 with R21 Cartridge and R15 Filter; 3M Paint Respirator #6984 or #6986.
DuPont System
1. Clean the entire surface to be painted with 3919S Prepsol. Sand thoroughly with #400 sandpaper and reclean with 3812S enamel reducer.
2. Prime with 329-S Polypropylene Primer. Follow label directions for application.
Acrylic Lacquer
3. To two (2) parts paint, add one (1) part 355-S Flexible Additive and three (3) parts 3608-S Thinner. Mix and strain into spray cut ("Pot life" is 1 hour).
NOTE: In warm or humid weather, to increase pot life prethin 355-S first, then add to paint. If working with basecoat/clearcoat, add 355-S only into the clear. Basecoat does not require 355-S.
Acrylic Enamel
4. Flexible additive not necessary. Mix eight (8) parts paint with one (1) part 792-S. Reduce 50% with 8034-S reducer (1 part reducer - 2 parts paint).
NOTE: 355-S Flexible Additive may be used on crash parts in place of 792-S at same ratio.
5. With 35 pounds pressure at the gun, spray three (3) or four (4) wet coats to achieve good hiding. For metallics, spray a final mist coat.
6. Allow to cure two (2) to four (4) hours before handling. Clean equipment as soon as possible.
Ditzler System
1. Clean thoroughly with DX 330, Ditzler Wax and Grease Remover. Sand well with #400 sandpaper and reclean with DX 330.
2. Prime with DPX 800 Polypropylene Primer used as packaged. Air dry for 30 minutes.
3. Topcoat with 2 or 3 coats of Deltron Acrylic Urethane mixed with DX 369 Flexative and DAU catalyst as follows:
Deltron Color (DAU) 2 parts 2 parts
Deltron Catalyst (DAU-2) 1 part 1 part
Flexative (DX 369) 1 part 1 part
Reducer (DTU) 1 part 2 parts