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Fig. 3a Typical exploded view of Rochester E4M series carburetor (Part 1 of 2):


Fig. 3b Typical exploded view of Rochester E4M series carburetor (Part 2 of 2):


1. Align tang on lower end of pump link with slot in lever and install. End of link should point outward toward throttle lever.
2. Place new throttle body to bowl gasket over 2 locating dowels on bowl.
3. Position throttle body properly over dowels on float bowl, then install 3 screws and lockwashers. Tighten evenly and securely.
4. Install fuel filter, spring, new gasket and nut. Torque nut to 18 ft. lbs. on 1982-85 models, or 46 ft. lbs. on 1986-88 models.
5. Install new cup seal into insert on side of float bowl for intermediate choke shaft. Lip on cup seal must face outward.
6. Install secondary throttle valve lockout lever on boss on float bowl with recess in hole in lever facing inward.
7. On models with hot air chokes, install new cup seal into choke shaft hole. Lip on seal faces inward toward float bowl.
8. On all models, install fast idle cam onto intermediate choke shaft with steps on cam facing down. Then, install fast idle cam and intermediate choke shaft assembly in choke housing, carefully pushing shaft through seal in housing.
9. Install choke coil lever on flats on intermediate choke shaft. Install retaining screw and tighten securely. Lever is properly aligned when inside and outside levers both face toward fuel inlet.
10. If used, install rear vacuum break link in intermediate choke lever hole. End of link must face toward choke housing.
11. On models with hot air chokes, insert plastic tube seal (to float bowl) in vacuum inlet hole on choke housing.
12. On all models, install lower (inner) choke lever in float bowl cavity. Install choke housing on float bowl housing by sliding intermediate choke shaft through bowl seal and into slot in lower (inner) choke lever.
13. Install choke housing retaining screw and washer and tighten. Check that linkage moves freely. Do not install choke housing cover and coil assembly on choke housing until adjustments are complete.
14. If used, install end of vacuum break link into slot in rear vacuum break plunger. Then install vacuum break and bracket assembly on float bowl using 2 large countersunk screws.
15. If removed, install air baffle in secondary side of float bowl with notches toward top. Top edge of baffle must be flush with bowl casting.
16. If removed, install baffle inside of pump well with slot at bottom.
17. Install pump discharge check ball and retainer screw in passage at pump well. Tighten screw.
18. If removed, carefully install primary metering jets in bottom of float bowl using tool BT-7928 or equivalent. Jets should be seated securely in bowl, but not overtightened.
19. Install large mixture control solenoid tension spring over boss on bottom of float bowl.
20. Using seat installer BT-3006M or equivalent, install needle seat assembly with gasket.
21. To make float level adjustment easier, carefully bend float arm upward at notch in arm before assembly.

Fig. 6 Float needle pull clip location:

22. Slide float lever under needle pull clip to install float needle onto float arm. Needle pull clip should be hooked over edge of float on float arm facing float pontoon, Fig. 6.
23. Install float hinge pin into float arm with end of pin loop facing pump well. Then, install float assembly by aligning needle in seat and float hinge pin into locating channels in float bowl. Do not install float needle pull clip into holes in float arm since flooding may result.
24. Refer to On Vehicle Adjustments and adjust float level.
25. If used, install plastic insert in float bowl cavity with recess in side of insert facing needle seat. Tang on upper lip of insert goes in deep slot in bowl closest to fuel inlet nut so notch in insert aligns with slot in bowl for connector wires. Make sure insert is seated in cavity.
26. Install mixture control solenoid screw tension spring between raised bosses next to float hanger pin.
27. Install mixture control solenoid and connector assembly as follows:
a. Carefully install solenoid in fuel chamber, aligning pin on bottom of solenoid with hole in raised boss at bottom of bowl. Align solenoid connector wires to fit in bowl housing slot, or plastic insert if used.
b. Install lean mixture control solenoid screw through hole in solenoid bracket and tension spring in bowl. Start screw in hole taking care that threads engage properly.
c. Using tool BT-7928 or equivalent, turn lean mixture screw clockwise until solenoid screw bottoms lightly in bowl. Check that arms on solenoid bracket clear raised bosses in float bowl.
d. From bottomed position, back out lean mixture screw same number of turns noted during disassembly (step 23b under ``Disassemble'').
28. Align solenoid with notch in plastic insert (if used) and connector lugs with recesses in bowl, then install connector attaching screw and tighten securely.
29. Install TPS return spring in well.
30. Align TPS and connector assembly with slot in float bowl housing. Push down connector and sensor assembly so connector and wires are located below bowl housing surface.
31. Position plastic filler block over float valve and press down until properly installed.
32. Slide metering rod return spring over metering rod tip until small end of spring stops against shoulder on rod. Insert metering rod and spring assembly through hole in plastic filler block. Carefully lower metering rod into metering jet. Use care not to force any components.
33. Install pump return spring in well.
34. Install pump plunger assembly in well.
35. Hold down pump plunger assembly against return spring and align pump plunger stem with hole in air horn gasket. Also align gasket over 2 dowel pins on float bowl housing.
36. Install larger rubber seal over mixture control solenoid connector.
37. While holding down on air horn gasket and pump plunger assembly, align slot in end of solenoid-metering rod plunger with solenoid mounting screw and install. Check that plunger arms engage top of each metering rod.

Fig. 7 Air valve shaft pin lubrication:

38. Liberally apply lithium base grease to air valve shaft pin, Fig. 7. Make sure that pin surface contacted by closing spring is lubricated.
39. Install new pump plunger stem seat and retainer in air horn casting with lip on seal facing outwards. Lightly stake retainer in 3 different locations than original staking.
40. Install new TPS plunger seal and retainer in air horn casting with lip on seal facing outward away from air horn casting surface. Lightly stake retainer in 3 different locations than original staking.
41. If removed, install rich mixture stop screw from bottom side of air horn. Using tool BT-7928 or equivalent, turn screw in until lightly bottomed. If screw was removed, carburetor must be recalibrated.
42. If removed, install idle air bleed valve in air horn as follows:
a. Coat O-rings with silicon oil and install new O-rings on air bleed valve body, taking care that O-rings seat in grooves. Thick ring goes in upper groove and thin seal goes in lower groove.
b. Install bleed valve in air horn and using screwdriver, turn valve clockwise until lightly seated.
c. From bottomed position, back off valve 2 turns.
43. While holding down on air horn gasket at pump plunger location, carefully lower air horn assembly onto float bowl housing while positioning TPS adjustment lever over throttle position sensor, guiding pump plunger stem through seal in air horn casting. To aid installation, use small thin screwdriver to raise TPS adjustment lever to position it over sensor. Check that bleed tubes are positioned properly through holes in air horn gasket.

Fig. 5 Air horn screw location & tightening sequence:

44. Install 11 air horn screws and lockwashers, and 2 countersunk screws located next to carburetor venturi area. If used, position secondary air baffle deflector under air horn screws #3 and #4. Tighten screws evenly in numerical sequence as shown in Fig. 5.
45. Install air valve rod into slot in lever on end of air valve shaft. Install other end of rod in hole in front vacuum break diaphragm plunger. Install vacuum break and bracket assembly on air horn and tighten 2 screws securely.
46. Carefully push TPS actuator plunger through seal in air horn until seated against TPS plunger. Plunger should move freely.
47. Check mixture control solenoid plunger travel as described in Tune Up section. Following mixture control solenoid plunger adjustment, install new lean mixture plug and rich mixture stop screw plug.
48. Connect upper end of pump link to pump lever. Position lever between raised bosses on air horn housing, making sure that lever engages TPS actuator plunger and pump plunger stem. Using small drift, align hole in pump lever with holes in air horn casting bosses. Then, using suitable pliers, pry roll pin enough to insert thin bladed screwdriver between end of roll pin and air cleaner locating boss on air horn casting. Using screwdriver, push pump lever roll pin back through casting until end of pin is flush with casting bosses on air horn.
49. Install 2 secondary metering rods in secondary metering rod hanger with upper ends of rods pointing toward each other. Install secondary metering rod hanger with rods on air valve cam follower. Install and tighten retaining screw. Check for free operation of air valve and metering rods.
50. Connect rod into lower choke lever inside float bowl housing cavity.
51. Install choke rod in upper choke lever and position lever on end of choke shaft, then install retaining screw and tighten. Lever should point to rear of carburetor and number on lever should face outward. Choke coil pickup lever (inside choke housing) must be indexed properly and fast idle cam and front and rear vacuum break adjustments checked before installing choke cover and coil assembly. Refer to On Vehicle Adjustments.
52. Install thermostatic choke cover and gasket (if used) on choke housing making sure coil tang engages choke coil lever. Do not install choke cover gasket between electric choke assembly and choke housing since ground contact on E4ME models is provided by metal plate located at rear of choke cover assembly.
53. Obtain choke cover retainer kit to attach choke cover to choke housing.
54. Connect vacuum break hoses on front and rear (if equipped) vacuum break units.
55. Install idle speed control, idle load compensator or idle speed solenoid and bracket assembly on float bowl, with 2 large countersunk head screws and tighten securely.