Parts Information
Parts required to complete this campaign are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operation (GMSPO). To ensure these parts will be obtained as soon as possible, they should be ordered from GMSPO on a C.I.O. order with NO special instruction code, but on an advise code (2).
For Electra/Park Avenue, order new PROM based on old PROM Code or Old PROM I.D. Order Quantity based on Estimated Usage Column and dealer listing.
NOTICE: If all three new PROMS for the Electra/Park Avenue model are not in stock, check the old PROM I.D. using a scan tool before starting the Technical Procedure.
NOTICE: Dealers are to return ALL service inventory of part numbers:
16043882 16044874 16047423 16054924
16043898 16047215 16049998 16069509
Please identify as a special return on your GMSPO PC 659.