Expansion Block/Orifice Tube: Service and Repair
1. Discharge system refrigerant.
2. Loosen nut at liquid line to evaporate inlet pipe connection. Carefully remove tube, using needle nosed pliers, or other suitable tool. If expansion tube is seized in its receptacle, remove impacted residue as completely as possible. Using a suitable heat gun or equivalent (hair dryer), apply heat to area 1/4 inch from inlet pipe dimples (if pressure switch is located near this area, remove switch before applying heat to prevent damage). While applying heat, grip expansion tube and apply a push-pull/turning motion to loosen. When tube has been removed, clean receptacle with R-11 or equivalent solvent. Add 1 oz. 525 viscosity refrigerant oil to system, lubricate new tube and O-ring with same, and install.
3. Reverse procedure to install, with shorter screen end in first.