Service Procedure
See the "1986-87 3.0L and 3.8L Stall Diagnostic's" manual. Three additional copies of this manual are being provided to all dealers under separate cover. Each dealer will receive one pad of questionnaires with the manuals.
^ All involved vehicles brought in for intermittent stalling must have Questionnaire and Basic Diagnostic and Repair Procedures Sections of the manual completed. The questionnaire filled out by the service advisor must be attached to the technician's copy of the repair order. Additional copies of the questionnaire can be reproduced locally.
^ Portions of Supplementary Diagnostic and Repair Procedures Section of the handbook are to be used if the condition is still present after completion of above step. Only use the portion of Supplementary Diagnostic indicated by the condition(s) defined by the questionnaire that are still evident on the vehicle. Management prior authorization required before proceeding with Supplementary Diagnostic and Repair Procedure Section.
Replaced parts must be held for disposition by Buick Zone/Branch Contact personnel. Parts must have a claim tag attached showing the repair order and the VIN of the vehicle from which they were removed.