1. Disassemble valve body, noting the following:a. Valves and springs are not interchangeable, keep them in the order shown, see image.
b. Position as shown and, starting at lower right, remove each valve train an lay out as shown.
c. Roll pins are under pressure, cover bore when removing them.
d. Blind hole pins must be removed with a 49 drill bit (1.85 mm or .073 inch). Grind taper off bit.
2. Remove auxiliary valve body cover attaching bolt, then the cover and gasket.
3. Remove solenoid assembly attaching screw, then the solenoid and O-ring.
4. Remove pressure switch and governor pressure switch, if equipped.
5. Remove auxiliary valve body from main valve body.
6. Remove converter clutch regulator valve, pin, bore plug and spring.
7. Remove converter clutch control valve and plug.
8. Remove pump slide pivot pin and pump slide.
9. Remove pump vanes and rotor, then the pump vane ring.