Slow, Early, or Drawn Out Shifts With End Bump
Slow, Early, or Drawn Out Shifts With End Bump1. Disconnected or binding T.V. cable.
2. Low oil pressure. Check oil pressure in neutral at full T.V.
3. Intermediate servo piston oil seal missing or damaged.
4. Servo piston damaged.
5. Leak between servo apply pin and case.
6. Intermediate servo band apply pin binding in case.
7. T.V. plunger, T.V. shift valve or 1-2 accumulator valve binding.
8. 1-2 accumulator piston, seal, spring or bore damaged.
9. Incorrect or leaking spacer plate and/or gaskets.
10. Case porous in 2nd, servo apply and/or 1-2 accumulator passages.
11. Burned intermediate band.
12. Case cover improperly torqued.
Hunts 1-2-1 At Low Speed
1. Governor springs distorted and/or weights binding.
Firm, Harsh Or Delayed Shifts
1. Disconnected or binding T.V. cable.
2. High oil pressure. Check oil pressure in neutral at minimum T.V.
3. Compare 1-2 shift feel at part throttle in Drive range to 1-2 shift feel at part throttle in Intermediate range. If intermediate range is firmer, follow steps 2 through 12 under "Slow, Early or Drawn Out Shifts with End Bump." If shift feel is the same for both ranges, proceed to next step.
4. Intermediate servo piston, piston seal or piston bore damaged.
5. Missing servo orifice bleed cup plug.
6. Leak between servo apply pin and case or wrong apply pin.
7. Incorrect T.V. link
8. T.V. plunger, T.V. shift valve or 1-2 accumulator valve binding.
9. 1-2 accumulator piston, seal, spring or bore damaged.
10. Incorrect or leaking spacer plate and/or gaskets.
11. Leaking 2nd oil passage in case or case cover.