Engine: Service and Repair
Manual Transaxle
1. Disconnect cables from battery.
2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove front engine mount-to-cradle attaching nuts.
4. Remove front exhaust pipe, then disconnect starter motor and position aside.
5. Remove flywheel inspection cover, then lower vehicle.
6. Remove air cleaner assembly.
7. Remove all bell housing attaching bolts.
8. Remove front torque reaction rod from engine and core support.
9. On models equipped with A/C, remove compressor drive belt, then disconnect compressor and position aside. Do not disconnect refrigerant lines from compressor.
10. Disconnect vacuum hoses from vapor canister.
11. On models equipped with power steering, disconnect power steering hose.
12. Disconnect all vacuum hoses and electrical connections needed for engine removal.
13. Remove heater blower motor as described under ``Blower Motor, Replace'' in the electrical section of this chapter.
14. Disconnect throttle cable.
15. Drain cooling system.
16. Disconnect heater hoses from engine and radiator hoses from radiator.
17. Disconnect engine electrical harness at bulkhead connector.
18. Install suitable engine lifting equipment and raise engine. Disconnect fuel line and the heater hose from intake manifold, then remove engine from vehicle.
19. Reverse procedure to install.
Automatic Transaxle
1. Disconnect cables from battery, then drain cooling system.
2. Remove air cleaner assembly and pre-heat tube.
3. Disconnect engine electrical harness connector.
4. Disconnect all external vacuum hose connections.
5. Remove throttle and transaxle linkages at the throttle body assembly and intake manifold.
6. On models equipped with A/C, disconnect compressor and position aside. Do not disconnect refrigerant lines from compressor.
7. Remove upper radiator hose and front engine strut assembly.
8. Disconnect heater hose from intake manifold.
9. Remove all transaxle-to-engine attaching bolts except the top two bolts.
10. Remove front engine mount-to-cradle nuts.
11. Remove front exhaust pipe, then the flywheel inspection cover.
12. Remove starter motor.
13. Remove torque converter-to-flywheel attaching bolts.
14. On models equipped with power steering, remove power steering pump and bracket and position aside.
15. Disconnect heater hose and lower radiator hose.
16. Remove 2 rear transaxle support bracket bolts.
17. Disconnect fuel feed line at fuel filter.
18. Using a suitable jack and a block of wood placed under transaxle, raise engine and transaxle until engine front mount studs clear cradle bracket.
19. Attaching suitable lifting equipment to engine. Put tension on engine and remove 2 remaining transaxle-to-engine attaching bolts.
20. Slide engine assembly forward and lift from vehicle.
21. Reverse procedure to install.