Parking Brake System: Adjustments
1. Lubricate parking brake cables at equalizer and underbody rub points. Check all cables for freedom of operation.
2. Fully release parking brake and raise vehicle.
3. Hold cable stud from turning and tighten equalizer nut until cable slack is removed and levers are against stops on caliper housing. If levers are off stops, loosen cable until levers return to stop.
4. Operate parking brake several times to check adjustment. When properly adjusted, the parking brake pedal should move 5 1/4 inch to 6 3/4 inch when a force of approximately 125 pounds is applied on all except Riviera. On Riviera, the parking brake pedal should move 1/4 inch to 5 1/2 inch when a force of approximately 125 pounds is applied.
Need for parking brake adjustment is indicated if the service brake operates with good pedal reserve but the parking brake pedal can be depressed a minimum of 9 ratchet clicks but not more than 16 under heavy foot pressure. After making sure that the service brakes are properly adjusted, adjust the parking brake as follows:
1. Depress parking brake exactly three ratchet clicks on 1985---88 models or two ratchet clicks on 1982---84 models.
2. Loosen jam nut and tighten adjusting nut until rear wheels can just be turned rearward using both hands, but are locked when forward motion is attempted.
3. Tighten jam nut and release parking brake. Rear wheels should turn freely in either direction with no brake drag.