Owner's Letter
Dear Buick Owner:
This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
General Motors has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in certain 1989 and 1990 Buick Regal model vehicles. These vehicles may have a faulty brake stoplamp switch, which could result in the stoplamps not illuminating on application of the brakes. If this should occur in situations where a driver in a trailing vehicle is otherwise unable to recognize a braking action in sufficient time to respond appropriately, a vehicle crash could occur without prior warning. In some cases, failure of the stoplamp switch can result in the stoplamps staying on at all times.
In addition, in vehicles equipped with cruise control, a faulty stoplamp switch can result in resumption of the cruise control function upon release of the brake pedal. If this occurs, the cruise control feature can be disengaged by moving the cruise control switch to the "OFF" position, or by reapplying the brake. Once the vehicle speed drops below 12-14 MPH, the cruise feature will be automatically, disengaged.
To prevent these conditions from occurring, an improved design stoplamp switch will be installed on your vehicle. This service will be performed for you at no charge.
Please contact your Buick dealer as soon as possible to arrange a service date. Instructions for making this correction have been sent to your dealer and parts are available. The labor time necessary to perform this service correction is approximately fifty (50) minutes. Please ask your dealer if you wish to know how much additional time will be needed to schedule and process your vehicle.
If you have already experienced this condition and paid for all or part of the repair, you may request reimbursement through your Buick dealer. When doing so, you should present the dealer with documentation which reasonably confirms the amount of unreimbursed repair expense, the date of repair and the person or entity performing the repair.
When you make your reimbursement request, your repair order will be reviewed to assure that an improved design stoplamp switch was installed. If another switch was used for the repair, it will need to be replaced and a service date to perform this campaign should be scheduled. If the improved design part was installed, your vehicle already has the required part and no further action is necessary. In either case, a claim for reimbursement of the prior repair may be filed.
Your Buick dealer is best equipped to obtain parts and provide service to ensure that your vehicle is corrected as promptly as possible. If, however, you take your vehicle to your dealer on the agreed service date, and they do not remedy this condition on that date or within five (5) days, we recommend you contact the Buick Customer Assistance Center by calling 1-800-521-7300.
After contacting your dealer and the Customer Assistance Center, if you are still not satisfied that we have done our best to remedy this condition without charge and within a reasonable time, you may wish to write the Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S. W., Washington, D.C. 20590 or call 1-800-424-9393 (Washington D.C. residents use 366-0123).
The enclosed owner reply card identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this card to your dealer will assist in making the necessary correction in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please let us know by completing the postage paid reply card and returning it to us.
We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your safety and continued satisfaction with our products.