4T60 & 4T60-E Automatic Transmission
1. Remove torque converter retaining strap, if installed, then the torque converter.Fig. 1, Installing transaxle in holding fixture:
2. Attach support fixture J-28664-B or equivalent to bellhousing, then mount transaxle and fixture assembly in base, Fig. 1.
3. Drain transaxle.
4. On units less internal transaxle speed sensor, remove governor assembly as follows:
a. Remove speedometer gear sleeve retainer, sleeve and speedometer driven gear.
Fig. 2, Governor & modulator assembly. Less internal speed sensor:
b. Remove governor cover attaching screws, then the cover and oil seal, Fig. 2.
c. Remove speedometer gear thrust bearing assembly, then the speedometer drive gear.
d. Remove governor assembly, then the modulator retainer and bolt. Turbo models use modulator in dashed box, Fig. 2.
5. On units with internal transaxle speed sensor, remove governor assembly as follows:
Fig. 3, Governor & modulator assembly. With internal speed sensor:
a. Remove screws, then lift housing and oil seal from transaxle, Fig. 3.
b. Remove bearing, rotor and governor assembly from transaxle.
6. Remove modulator, then the modulator O-ring seal, Fig. 2.
7. Remove modulator valve using a suitable magnet.
Fig. 6, Transaxle case & associated components exploded view. 1988-90 units:
8. Remove bottom pan, gasket and attaching bolts, then the filter from case, Fig. 6.
Fig. 7, Accumulator cover & governor pipes exploded view:
9. Remove accumulator cover attaching bolts, then the governor control body attaching bolts, Fig. 7.
10. Remove oil pipes, cover, body and gasket as an assembly.
11. Remove cover gaskets, then the spacer plate.
12. Remove lube pipe and retainer, then the O-ring and spring.
13. Remove accumulator pin, 3-4 accumulator spring, accumulator piston seal ring and 3-4 piston, then the 1-2 accumulator pin, 1-2 accumulator spring, accumulator piston oil seal ring and the 1-2 accumulator piston. Do not intermix accumulator springs during disassembly.
14. Remove bottom pan oil scoop and retaining bolts.
Fig. 8, 1-2 & reverse servo assemblies exploded view:
15. Compress 1-2 servo cover and remove retaining ring, Fig. 8.
16. Remove 1-2 servo cover, O-ring, servo assembly and servo spring.
17. Repeat steps 15 and 16 with reverse servo, Fig. 8. Keep servo assemblies separate as they are not interchangeable. The reverse servo apply pin is longer than the 1-2 servo pin.
18. Remove apply pins from respective servos.
19. Check servo apply pin length as follows. The following procedure is applicable to both servos. However, it is necessary to use the reverse pin when checking the reverse servo and the 1-2 pin when checking the 1-2 servo.
Fig. 9, Servo pin selection & installation:
a. Mount gauge tool J-33382 as shown in Fig. 9, using appropriate apply pin.
b. Apply 20 ft. lbs. of torque to gauge, then check pin length by inserting GO/NO GO gauge under head of gauge pin.
c. If GO side will not slide under head, apply pin is too short.
d. If NO GO side will slide under head, apply pin is too long.
e. Select appropriate pin length using chart in Fig. 9.
f. When apply pin length is correct, GO side of gauge will slide under head of gauge pin, but NO GO side will not.
20. Remove side cover retaining bolts, side cover and gaskets, Fig. 6.
21. Disconnect wiring harness from pressure switches and case connector, noting installation position, then remove harness and converter clutch solenoid as an assembly.
22. Remove TV lever and bracket assembly, and the link from the control valve.
23. Remove pump assembly retaining bolts, Fig. 6, then separate pump assembly from control valve assembly.
24. Remove control valve retaining bolts and the servo pipe retainer, then separate pipes from valve body and remove control valve assembly from channel plate.
25. Remove four check balls from spacer plate noting installation position, withdraw oil pump shaft, then remove spacer plate and gaskets.
26. Remove eight check balls from channel plate, then withdraw converter clutch solenoid screen, Fig. 6. On early models, screen is located in valve body.
27. Remove manual valve link as follows:
Fig. 10, Oil pump driveshaft & channel plate:
a. On early models, place detent lever in park position, then remove retaining clip and the link, Fig. 10.
b. On late production models, pull back retaining spring, disengage link, then remove spring and link, Fig. 10.
28. On all models, remove channel plate retaining bolts, oil weir and channel plate assembly.
Fig. 12, Exploded view of channel plate (case side). 1988-90 units:
29. Disassemble case side of channel plate, Fig. 12 as follows:
a. Remove modulator port gasket.
b. Remove upper and lower channel plate gaskets.
c. Remove input accumulator piston, then withdraw piston spring from case.
d. Remove converter clutch accumulator piston and spring.
Fig. 13, Exploded view of 4th clutch & related components:
30. Remove 4th clutch plates and apply plate, Fig. 13.
31. Remove 4th clutch hub thrust bearing, then withdraw hub and shaft assembly. Thrust bearing may remain on case cover during channel plate removal.
32. Rotate output shaft until "C" ring opening is visible through slot in case, push "C" ring partially off shaft, rotate shaft and remove "C" ring, then withdraw output shaft from transaxle.
33. Remove turbine shaft O-ring, then remove sprockets and drive link as an assembly, and the sprocket thrust washers, Fig. 13. Note position of colored link prior to removal. Link should be facing up.
Fig. 17, Exploded view of transaxle internal components (Part 1 of 2). 1990 units:
Fig. 17, Exploded view of transaxle internal components (Part 2 of 2). 1990 units:
34. Remove chain scavenging scoop and oil weir (part No. 603), if equipped, Fig. 17.
35. Remove driven sprocket support, then the 2nd clutch support thrust washer.
36. Measure input shaft endplay and gauge thrust washer thickness as outlined in step 111 of "Assembly".
Fig. 18, Removing 2nd clutch, input clutch, sprag & roller clutch assemblies:
37. Remove 2nd clutch, input clutch, sprag and roller clutch assembly, and the sun gear using J-33381 or equivalent, Fig. 18. Reverse band may come out with 2nd clutch.
38. Remove reverse band and the reverse reaction drum, Fig. 17.
39. Remove input carrier, input/reaction carrier thrust bearing and the reaction carrier. Reaction carrier/sun gear thrust bearing may come out with reaction carrier.
40. Remove reaction carrier/sun gear thrust washer and the reaction/sun gear drum assembly.
41. Remove 1-2 band. Do not clean 1-2 band with solvent.
42. Remove reaction sun gear/internal gear bearing, then the final drive sun gear shaft.
43. Check final drive endplay as outlined in step 29 "Transaxle Inspection and Assembly," then remove final drive as follows:
a. Remove final drive snap ring using suitable pliers, then with draw assembly using J-33381 or equivalent.
b. Remove final drive thrust washer and bearing, Fig. 17 from inside case.
Fig. 19, Exploded view of manual linkage:
44. Do not remove the following components shown in Fig. 19 unless replacement is required:
a. Manual shaft, Fig. 19.
b. Detent lever.
c. Actuator assembly.
d. Actuator guide assembly.
45. Remove manual shaft to case pin, then the locknut, Fig. 19.
46. Remove manual shaft, then the actuator assembly from detent lever.
47. Remove retaining pin from case, then the actuator guide assembly from case.
48. Remove actuator guide bushing O-ring seal from actuator guide.
49. If the manual shaft, detent lever and actuator rod were removed for service, proceed as follows:
a. Install actuator guide with new O-ring into case, then the manual shaft.
b. Assemble actuator rod onto detent lever, then the detent lever onto manual shaft.
c. Install locknut onto manual shaft, then insert retaining pin into case.
50. Remove seal using a suitable tool. Place new seal into case, then install using a suitable socket around seal lip. Seal lip must face into case.