Drive Range-Converter Clutch Applied
Drive Range - Converter Clutch Applied:
The timing of the converter clutch apply is determined by the computer command control calibration. The oil flow diagram to the left shows the converter clutch applied in Third Gear.
When the solenoid is electronically activated, the converter clutch apply valve moves to the left and redirects converter feed oil as follows:
1. Converter clutch release oil is exhausted.
2. Converter clutch apply oil from the converter clutch regulator valve is directed into the apply passage. Apply oil pushes the converter pressure plate against the converter cover.
^ Converter Clutch Accumulator: As converter clutch release oil is exhausted, the converter clutch accumulator absorbs converter feed oil, sends less oil to the apply passage and cushions the converter clutch apply.
The converter clutch can be applied in Third, or Fourth Gear. Converter clutch apply oil pressure is regulated by the converter clutch regulator valve; the converter clutch accumulator gives proper apply feel; the converter clutch blow off check ball protects the converter from high pressures.