Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Fig. 3 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system.
2. Remove exhaust manifold as described under EXHAUST MANIFOLD.
3. Remove oil level indicator tube, then the air cleaner assembly.
4. Disconnect electrical connectors, throttle linkage and fuel lines from throttle body unit, then disconnect heater hose from intake manifold.
5. Disconnect electrical connectors from intake manifold and cylinder head.
6. Disconnect vacuum lines from cylinder head.
7. On models equipped with A/C, unfasten A/C compressor and position aside, leaving refrigerant lines attached (if top mounted).
8. On all models, position alternator brackets aside, then remove upper power steering pump bracket.
9. Remove upper power steering pump bracket (if top mounted).
10. Remove rocker arm cover, then the rocker arms and push rods.
11. Remove cylinder head attaching bolts, then the cylinder head.
12. Reverse procedure to install. Torque cylinder head attaching bolts in the following sequence:
a. Torque all bolts in sequence, Fig. 3, to 18 ft. lbs.
b. Repeat sequence, bringing torque to 26 ft. lbs. on all bolts except No. 9. Retorque No. 9 to 18 ft. lbs.
c. Repeat sequence, turning all bolts 90° (1/4 turn).