Door Switch: Testing and Inspection
Door Ajar Lamp:
Door Ajar Circuit:
The BCM provides system voltage to the driver door ajar circuit, and the door ajar switch provides the single path to ground. The BCM supplies and internally monitors the voltage level of the circuit at pin 2B4/3D14. When the door ajar circuit is open the BCM will detect system voltage, but if the door ajar switch provides a path to ground (door open), the BCM will detect the circuit has been grounded. Once the BCM has determined that all of the failure conditions have been met, it will instruct the IPC to display the "DOOR AJAR" light.
1. Code B334 is not set.
2. PCM UART data line is OK.
1. PRNDL is OK.
2. Engine is running.
3. Transmission not in Park or Neutral.
4. Door ajar switch input is low.
5. Door ajar failure code already set.
6. Door ajar switch is closed.
1. Display the "DOOR AJAR" lamp on the IPC.