Intake Manifold: Service and Repair
Figure 1. Intake Manifold Installation:
1. Remove air cleaner assembly.
2. Disconnect negative battery cable and the cables at throttle body.
3. Disconnect brake vacuum pipe and cable bracket at plenum.
4. Disconnect air intake duct at throttle body.
5. Remove the throttle body at plenum. Refer to Fuel Delivery and Air Induction / Throttle Body.
6. Disconnect Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve at plenum.
7. Disconnect plug harness at plenum.
8. Remove the plenum. Refer to Fuel Delivery and Air Induction / Intake Air Plenum.
CAUTION: Relieve fuel pressure as specified in Fuel Delivery and Air Induction / Fuel Pressure Release.
9. Disconnect fuel lines at fuel rail.
10. Remove the serpentine belt and alternator.
11. Disconnect power steering lines at alternator bracket.
12. Remove the power steering mounting bolts and lay pump aside.
13. Disconnect wires at fuel injectors and remove the fuel rail.
14. Drain and recover cooling system.
15. Disconnect heater pipe at water pump and cylinder head.
16. Remove front rocker arm cover and Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose.
17. Remove alternator brace and bracket.
18. Remove rear rocker arm cover.
19. Remove the upper radiator hose and any necessary wiring.
20. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor.
21. Disconnect fuel lines at bracket and throttle body heater hose.
22. Disconnect heater pipe at intake manifold.
23. Remove the intake manifold bolts.
NOTE: Retain washers in the same orientation on the four center bolts.
24. Loosen rocker arms and remove pushrods.
NOTE: The intake and exhaust pushrods are different lengths with the exhaust pushrod being the longer of the two. The intake pushrods are marked orange and are 6 inches long. The exhaust pushrods are marked blue and are 6-3/8 inches long.
25. Remove the intake manifold gasket.
^ Gasket material from mating surfaces.
^ excess RTV sealent from front and rear ridges of cylinder block.
^ Sealing surfaces with degreaser.
1. Apply a 2-3 mm bead of GM 1052917 RTV sealer (or equivalent) on each ridge where the front and rear of the intake manifold contact the block.
2. Install the intake manifold gasket.
3. Install the pushrods.
NOTE: Make sure the pushrods are located properly (intake/exhaust) and that they seat in the lifters.
4. Install the rocker arm nuts and tighten to 25 Nm (18 ft lbs).
5. Install intake manifold and torque bolts in proper sequence to 20 Nm (15 ft lbs) then retorque to 33 Nm (24 ft lbs), refer to figure 1.
6. Connect the heater pipe to manifold and the throttle body heater hose.
7. Install engine coolant temperature sensor.
8. Install the upper radiator hose and any necessary wiring.
9. Install the rear rocker arm cover, alternator brace and bracket, PCV hose and then the front rocker arm cover.
10. Connect water pipe at water pump and cylinder head.
11. Connect Spark plug wires and install fuel rail.
12. Connect injector connector wires.
13. Install power steering pump and connect power steering line at alternator bracket.
14. Install alternator.
15. Connect fuel lines to fuel rail and at bracket.
16. Install serpentine drive belt.
17. Install intake plenum and plug harness.
18. Install EGR valve and throttle body.
19. Install air intake duct and cable bracket.
20. Connect brake vacuum pipe and cables to throttle body.
21. Fill cooling system.
22. Install air cleaner assembly and connect negative battery cable.
1. Check for proper fluid levels.
2. check for fluid leaks.
3. check completion of repair.