Front Camber Adjustment
1. Open hood and remove three strut cover plate nuts and the cover plate.
2. Lift front of vehicle just to the point that strut stud clears strut tower and cover top of strut. Do not over extend drive axle. Do not lift by suspension.
3. Use strut alignment templet tool No. J-36892 or equivalent to mark holes, then file three holes. File inboard or outboard of existing hole depending or camber requirement. Do not file more than .2 inch in either direction. Paint exposed metal with red oxide primer and, after primer has dried, paint area with paint matching body color.
4. Lower front of vehicle and guide strut studs into slotted holes.
5. Install three strut cover plate nuts.
6. Set camber to specifications by moving strut, then Torque strut cover plate nuts to 17 ft. lbs.
1. Loosen lug nuts, then raise and support vehicle and remove lug nuts and the wheel and tire assembly.
2. Using suitable jack, support suspension under rear knuckle and hub assembly.
3. Thread tool J-37098 or equivalent into auxiliary spring assembly and tighten to hold assembly in compressed state.
4. Remove brake caliper, leaving hose attached, and support caliper out of way.
5. Remove brake rotor and the brake hose bracket bolt.
6. Scribe strut and knuckle to ensure installation in same position.
7. Remove strut bolts at body and let assembly drop down.
8. Remove stabilizer shaft bracket, then the strut to knuckle attaching bolts.
9. Remove rear auxiliary spring to rear lateral link attaching bolt and nut, then the rear auxiliary spring assembly.
10. Remove strut assembly.
11. Place strut in vise and file lower strut attaching hole oblong.
12. Place auxiliary spring assembly in vise and file lower strut attaching hole oblong.
13. Place stabilizer bracket in vise and file lower stabilizer bracket to strut attaching hole oblong.
14. Reverse procedure to install, Torquing upper strut bolts to 34 ft. lbs. and the lug nuts to 100 ft. lbs.
15. adjust camber by moving strut and knuckle assembly, then Torque strut to knuckle attaching nuts to 136 ft. lbs.
1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove tire and wheel assembly.
4. Remove strut/upper auxiliary spring bracket/stabilizer shaft bracket, if equipped.
5. Place strut in vise.
6. File lower strut to knuckle attaching hole oblong.
7. Place auxiliary spring assembly in vise.
8. File lower strut attaching hole oblong.
9. Place stabilizer bracket in vise.
10. File lower stabilizer bracket to strut attaching hole oblong.
11. Attach strut assembly/stabilizer shaft bracket/upper auxiliary spring bracket to knuckle.
12. Install strut to body bolts and break hose bracket.
13. Install auxiliary spring and install tire and wheel assembly.
14. Adjust camber then Torque strut to knuckle nuts to 136 ft. lbs.
15. Check and adjust toe if necessary.