Steering Gear: Testing and Inspection
Fig. 27 Power Rack & Pinion Steering Gear Leak Diagnosis. Front Wheel Drive Except Beretta, Calais, Cavalier, Corsica, Grand Am, LeMans, Skyhawk, Skylark & Sunbird:
Fig. 28 Power Rack & Pinion Steering Gear Leak Diagnosis. Front Wheel Drive Beretta, Calais, Cavalier, Corsica, Grand Am, LeMans, Skyhawk, Skylark & Sunbird:
Fig. 29 Power Steering Pump Leak Diagnosis. Front Wheel Drive Models w/ Rack & Pinion Steering:
1. With engine off, wipe dry the entire power steering system.
2. Ensure fluid level is correct.
3. Start engine, then turn steering wheel from stop to stop a few times. Do not hold at stop for a long period.
4. Find the exact area of leak and repair as necessary, Figs. 27 through 29.