Steering Wheel: Service and Repair
Mark position of steering wheel in relation to shaft prior to removal to ensure correct installation.
Fig. 17 Steering Wheel. Less Airbag:
Less Airbag
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove horn pad attaching screws.
3. Pull pad reward, then turn horn lead insulator in counterclockwise direction to disconnect horn lead.
4. Remove steering wheel attaching nut and retainer, Fig. 17.
5. Using suitable steering wheel puller, remove steering wheel.
6. Reverse procedure to install.
Fig. 18 Steering Wheel. With Airbag:
With Airbag
1. Disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable.
3. Using suitable 30 Torx driver, or equivalent, loosen airbag inflater module attaching screws until module can be released from steering wheel, Fig. 18.
4. Pull module rearward, then disconnect coil, connector position assurance and horn lead connectors, then remove module. Do not carry module by connectors or wires, when placing live module on bench, place bag and trim cover upward.
5. Remove steering wheel attaching nut.
6. Using suitable steering wheel puller, remove steering wheel and horn contact.
7. Reverse procedure to install.
8. Rearm airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.