Drive Belt: Testing and Inspection
Accessory Drive Belt Service:
Accessory Drive Belt Tensioner:
Tool Required:
BT-7825 or J 23600-B Belt Tension Gage
1. Inspect tensioner markings to see if the belt is within operating lengths. Replace belt if the belt is excessively worn or is outside of the tensioner's operating range.
2. Run engine with no accessories on until the engine is warmed up. Shut the engine off and read belt tension with tool BT-7825 or J 23600-B placed halfway between the generator and the A/C compressor. For non-A/C applications read tension between the power steering pump and crankshaft pulley. Remove tool.
3. Start the engine (with accessories off) and allow the system to stabilize for 15 seconds. Turn the engine off. Using an 18 mm box end wrench, apply clockwise force (tighten) to the tensioner pulley bolt. Release the force and immediately take a tension reading without disturbing belt tensioner position.
4. Using the same wrench, apply a counterclockwise force to the tensioner pulley bolt and raise the pulley to the fully raised position. Slowly lower the pulley to engage the belt. Take a tension reading without disturbing the belt tensioner position.
5. Average the three readings. If the average of the three readings is lower than 298 N (67 lbs.) and the belt is within the tensioner's operating range, replace the belt tensioner.