Fluid Change
1. Raise and support vehicle.2. Loosen transmission mount to support attaching nut.
3. Loosen two bolts attaching right side of transmission support to frame rail.
4. Remove two bolts attaching left side transmission support to frame rail.
5. Using suitable transmission jack, support and slightly raise transmission.
6. Slide transmission support rearward enough to access rear oil pan attaching bolts.
7. Place drain pan under transmission oil pan, loosen pan bolts on front of pan, pry carefully with screwdriver to loosen oil pan, and allow fluid to drain.
8. Remove remaining oil pan bolts, oil pan, and gasket.
9. Drain fluid from pan, then clean pan and dry thoroughly with compressed air.
10. Remove oil filter to valve body bolt, then remove filter and gasket, replace with new filter and gasket.
11. Install new gasket on oil pan, then oil pan and attaching bolts. Tighten attaching bolts to specification.
12. Lower vehicle and add five quarts of automatic transmission fluid through filler tube.
13. With selector lever in Park and parking brake applied, start engine and let idle. Do not race engine.
14. Move selector lever through each gear range, then return lever to park.
15. Check fluid, then add additional fluid to bring level between dimples on dipstick.