Campaign - Oil/Filter Replacement
DCS NO. 93-04GROUP NO. 6
DATE: November 6, 1992
Engine Oil/Filter Replacement - Campaign 93-C-1- Certain 1993 Roadmaster Sedans and Estate Wagons
TO: All Buick Dealers (VIA DCS)
All Asst. Zone Managers-Service/Branch Managers (VIA DISOSS)
Manager-Zone Service Operations - L.A. (VIA DISOSS)
General Motors has determined that certain 5.7L (L05) engines have engine oil mixtures that do not meet the 5W-30 required fuel economy improvement factor specification.
To correct this condition, dealers are to change the oil and replace the oil filter on affected vehicles prior to delivery. In addition, owners of sold vehicles are to be contacted by the dealer and arrangements made to make the required correction.
Involved are 1993 Roadmasters equipped with 5.7L engines and built within the following VIN breakpoints:
Model Engine
Year Model VIN Code Plant From Through
1993 Roadmaster 7 Willow Run (W) PW400001 PW401090
1993 Roadmaster 7 Arlington (R) PR403109 PR409556
The specific vehicles involved in this campaign have been identified by vehicle identification number computer listings. These listings will be mailed to all involved dealers with a paper copy of this message approximately November 11, 1992.
All unsold new vehicles in dealers' possession and subject to this campaign MUST be held and repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin BEFORE owners take possession of these vehicles.
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the dealer and arrangements made to make the required correction according to instructions contained in this DCS.
If the name and address of the owner of an involved vehicle was unavailable to Buick Motor Division at the time of campaign initiation, the dealer must determine the owner's name and address from the dealership sales records. Please submit the delivering information over the DCS. Terminal input instructions are covered in the DCS manual under Section 9, page 9-JOlA and B.
Owners will be notified of this campaign on their vehicles by Buick Motor Division (copy of owner letter included with this message). A listing of owner names and addresses will be furnished to the involved dealers to enable dealers to ,follow-up with owners involved in this campaign. This listing may contain owner names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to this campaign.
Part Number Description Quantity
12345612 5W-30 Engine Oil 5 Qts.
6438261 Oil Filter (PF25) 1
1. Drain crankcase.
2. Remove oil filter.
3. Clean the gasket sealing area on the engine oil filter mounting surface.
4. Lightly oil gasket with clean oil and install new filter (PF25).
5. After the oil filter gasket contacts the oil filter mounting surface, tighten 3/4 to one full turn.
6. Fill crankcase with 5W-30 oil (five quarts).
7. With engine oil at proper level*, run engine and thoroughly check filter area for leaks.
8. Install "Campaign Identification Label" for 93-C-1.
Buick Roadmasters built at Arlington (plant VIN code R) with VINs PR403109 through, PR403524 may appear to be approximately 20 mm over the top of the operating range mark on the oil dipstick after the five quarts are added. This is due to an oil dipstick miscalibration - do not drain excess oil. A Dealer Product Campaign Bulletin will be issued on the subject oil dipsticks.
Each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this campaign will require a "Campaign Identification Label." Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ball point pen.
Each "Campaign Identification Label" is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in for periodic servicing by the owner.
Apply "Campaign Identification Label" only on a clean, dry surface.
Part Failed Part Failure Labor Labor Other Dlr.
Oper. Count Part No. Allow Code 0p. No. Hours Hours Mtl Twg.
^ Change engine oil (5W-30) and oil filter (PF25)
6 12345612 * * 96 V7762 0.3 0.1* --
* Campaign Administrative Allowance
** The "Parts Allowance" should be the sum total of the current GMSPO Dealer Net Price plus 30% of all parts required for the repair
November 1992
Dear Buick Roadmaster Owner:
General Motors has determined that certain 1993 Roadmaster engines have an engine oil mixture that does not meet the 5W-30 required fuel economy Improvement factor specification.
To correct this condition, dealers will change the engine oil and replace the oil filter. This service will be completed for you at no charge.
Instructions for performing this service have been sent to your Buick dealer. Please contact your Buick dealer to arrange a service date. Ask your dealer if you wish to know how much time will be needed to schedule, process, and repair your vehicle.
If you have changed your oil and filter since taking delivery of your vehicle, please complete the enclosed postage paid owner reply card to indicate the campaign repair has been completed and return the card to us. No further action on your part will be necessary.
The enclosed postage paid owner reply card identifies your vehicle. If the dealer performs the repair, presentation of the card to your dealer will assist in making the necessary correction to your vehicle in the shortest possible time. However, if you have sold or traded your vehicle, please furnish us complete name and address of the person you sold or traded your vehicle to and return the card to us.
We appreciate your cooperation and are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.