Differential Assembly: Service and Repair
Construction of the axle assembly is such that service operations may be performed with the housing installed in the vehicle or with the housing removed and installed in a holding fixture. The following procedure is necessary only when the housing requires replacement.1. Raise and support vehicle, then support rear axle with a suitable jack.
2. On models equipped with anti-lock brake systems, remove rear axle speed sensor as follows:
a. Disconnect speed sensor electrical harness.
b. Remove speed sensor harness bracket attaching bolt.
c. Remove speed sensor to rear axle attaching bolt, then remove speed sensor and bracket assembly and position aside.
d. Reverse procedure to install. Wheel speed sensors are to installed by hand. Do not hammer sensors into position, as damage may result.
3. On all models, disconnect shock absorbers from lower mountings.
4. Remove propeller shaft.
5. Disconnect upper control arms from axle housing attachments.
6. Disconnect brake line from axle housing junction block and the parking brake cable.
7. Disconnect lower control arms from axle housing attachments.
8. Lower axle slowly until springs can be moved. Roll axle assembly out from under vehicle.
9. Reverse procedure to install.