Heating and Air Conditioning: Service and Repair
REFRIGERANT RECOVERY AND RECYCLING, ADDING OIL, EVACUATING AND RECHARGING PROCEDURES.The Air Conditioning Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling and Recharging system ACR 4: (J3950O) (or equivalent) removes Refrigerant-134a from the vehicle A/C system, recycles and recharges all with one hook up.
Single pass filtering during recovery cycle, plus automatic multiple pass filtering during evacuation cycle assures constant supply of clean/dry refrigerant for A/C system charging.
^ R-12 and R-134a require separate and non-interchangeable sets of recovery, recycle and recharge equipment. The refrigerants and lubricants are not compatible and cannot be mixed even in the smallest amounts.
^ Do not attempt to use one set of equipment for both R-12 and R-134a, as all equipment contains residual amounts of refrigerant and/or lubricant which will result in contamination, and damage to the recovery/cycle equipment.