Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Text Description of Splice Locations

S100 Engine harness, near C260
S100 RH rear engine compartment near C260
S101 Composite harness, rear RH side of engine compartment, behind strut tower
S102 Composite harness, LH front of engine compartment
S102 Composite harness, near RH side of engine compartment, behind strut tower
S103 Composite harness, rear RH side of engine compartment, behind strut tower
S104 Composite harness, near windshield washer motor
S104 Rear of engine compartment, next to LH underhood fuse block
S105 Composite harness, lower RH side of engine compartment, beside wheelhouse
S105 Composite harness, lower RH side of engine compartment, beside wheelhouse (Four Horn Option - U09)
S105 Composite harness, near RH underhood fuse block
S106 Engine harness, near A/C compressor clutch connector
S106 Lower RH front of engine, near A/C compressor
S107 Lower RH front of engine, near A/C Compressor
S108 Composite harness, lower RH side of engine compartment, beside wheelhouse
S109 (SI 14) Engine harness, rear of engine, near heated oxygen sensor connector
S110 Engine harness near fuel injector #4
S110 Engine harness, near C260
S110 Engine harness, rear of engine, near canister purge solenoid connector
S112 Composite harness, rear of engine compartment
S112 Engine harness, near C260 (L36, L67); near MAF sensor (L27)
S112 Engine harness, near MAF sensor
S114 Engine harness, near C105
S114 Top center of engine, near engine lift bracket
S115 Near ignition control module
S116 Near ignition control module
S120 Engine hamess, rear of engine, near steering gear (L67)
S124 Composite harness, LH rear of engine compartment, cruise control servo area
S126 Engine harness, near oil pressure sensor/switch (L27), near MAF sensor (L36); near C105 (L67)
S128 Composite harness, LH front of engine compartment
S128 Composite harness, LH front of engine compartment, near LH horn
S129 Composite harness, LH side of engine compartment
S129 Composite harness, LH side of engine compartment, near ELC compressor
S130 Engine harness, near heated oxygen sensor (L27), near C260 (L36). near generator (L67)
S173 Engine harness, near C260
S200 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S200 LH side of passenger compartment near park brake switch
S201 Composite hamess, behind RH side of I/P
S201 Composite harness, behind I/P RH side, above Relay Center
S201 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P
S202 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side above Relay Center
S202 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P above Relay Center.
S203 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P near C200
S203 LH side of I/P, above parking brake assembly
S204 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P top of shroud
S205 Composite harness, LH middle of steering column
S205 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S206 (Pontiac) Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, top of shroud
S206 (Pontiac) I/P harness, below I/P, behind Center Console
S206 Composite hamess, below I/P, behind center console
S206 I/P harness, below I/P, behind center console
S234 I/P harness, behind I/P, RH side of instrument cluster
S206 I/P harness, below I/P, behind center console
S206 I/P harness, middle of center console
S207 Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S207 Composite harness, near C200
S208 Composite harness near multifunction chime module
S208 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S208 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P
S208 Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S208 Composite harness, behind center of I/P near Multifunction Chime Module
S208 Composite harness, center of I/P area
S208 Composite harness, near multi-function chime module
S209 Composite harness, LH side of I/P
S210 Composite harness, LH side of I/P
S211 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S212 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, top of shroud
S212 Near Park Brake Switch
S213 (Buick) I/P harness, behind I/P near Radio
S213 (Buick) I/P harness, behind I/P,near Radio
S213 I/P Harness, behind center of I/P near radio
S213 I/P harness, behind I/P near Radio
S213 I/P harness, behind I/P near radio
S213 I/P harness, behind center of I/P, near Radio
S213 I/P harness, behind center of I/P, near C200
S214 I/P harness, behind I/P, near Radio
S214 I/P harness, behind center of I/P, near Radio
S215 Composite harness, LH side of I/P
S215 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S216 I/P harness, behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S216 I/P harness, behind I/P above instrument cluster
S216 I/P harness, behind I/P, above steering column
S216 I/P harness, near instrument cluster (Buick, Pontiac)
S217 Composite harness, LH side of I/P near C202
S217 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S218 Composite harness, LH side of I/P middle of kickpad
S218 Composite harness, behind LH shroud
S218 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, near ground G202
S218 Composite harness, below LH side of I/P near G202
S218 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S218 Composite harness, middle of RH shroud
S218 Composite harness, top of LH shroud
S218 Composite harness, top of RH kickpad
S218 Composite harness, top of RH shroud
S218 LH front kickpad area, near LH kickpad ground
S219 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S221 Composite harness, near I/P cluster
S221 Composite harness, near Instrument Cluster
S222 Behind center of I/P, right of steering column
S223 Behind LH side of I/P, near steering column
S223 Composite harness, behind I/P
S223 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S224 Composite harness, near Instrument Cluster
S224 Composite harness, near I/P cluster
S225 Composite hamess, behind LH shroud
S225 Composite hamess, behind LH side of I/P, near ground G202
S225 Composite harness, behind LH shroud
S225 Composite harness, below LH side of I/P near G202
S225 Composite harness, bottom of LH shroud
S225 Composite harness, middle of LH kickpad
S225 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S225 Composite harness. near LH kickpad
S225 LH front door sill area
S225 LH front door sill area, near C200
S225 LH side of shroud area
S226 Below I/P, behind Data Link Connector (DLC)
S226 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P top of shroud
S227 (Eighty Eight) Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S227 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S227 LH front door sill area
S227 Near LH kickpad ground
S228 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S228 I/P harness, behind I/P, above steering column
S228 I/P harness, behind center of I/P, above steering column
S229 (Pontiac) I/P harness, behind I/P below Radio
S229 I/P harness, behind I/P, below radio
S230 Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S231 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S232 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S233 Composite harness, behind I/P RH side, above PCM
S233 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side, above PCM
S233 Composite harness, near engine harness in-line connector C260
S234 I/P harness, behind I/P RH side of Instrument Cluster
S235 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S236 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S237 Composite harness, near HVAC Control Head
S237 Composite harness, near driver information center
S238 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S239 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, near driver information center
S240 Composite harness, RH side of I/P, near PCM
S241 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P
S241 Composite harness, near HVAC Programmer
S241 I/P harness, behind RH side of I/P
S241 I/P harness, behind center of I/P, near C200
S241 RH side of I/P, above PCM
S242 Composite harness, behind top LH side of I/P
S242 Composite harness, near C200 and Lamp Control Module
S243 Behind LH side of I/P
S243 I/P harness, behind I/P, near Radio
S244 Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S245 (without Adaptive Lamp Monitor) Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S245 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P near C202
S246 Behind top RH side of I/P
S246 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S246 Composite harness, behind top RH side of I/P
S246 Composite harness, below RH side of I/P, near theft deterrent module
S246 Composite harness, near Theft Deterrent Module
S248 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S248 Composite harness, behind seats
S248 Composite harness, near oil level module
S249 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S250 Composite harness, RH side near Relay Center
S251 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S251 Composite harness, middle of RH kickpad
S251 Composite harness, middle of RH shroud
S251 Composite harness, near relay center
S251 RH kickpad area
S251 RH side of I/P, right of Relay Center
S252 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S252 Composite harness, near HVAC programmer (H-car)
S252 Composite harness, near RAC module (C-car)
S252 Composite harness, near Theft Deterrent Module
S253 (IDC) Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, behind I/P Fuse Block
S253 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S254 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S254 LH front door sill area
S255 Composite harness, RH side I/P
S256 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, near HVAC programmer
S256 Composite harness, near HVAC programmer
S256 RH side of I/P, above PCM
S257 (without Adaptive Lamp Monitor) Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S258 (with Adaptive Lamp Monitor) Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S258 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P
S259 (with Adaptive Lamp Monitor) Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S260 I/P harness, behind I/P above steering column
S260 I/P harness, behind I/P, RH side of instrument cluster
S260 I/P harness, behind I/P, above steering column
S261 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S262 Composite harness, LH side of I/P, left of steering column
S262 Composite harness, LH side of I/P
S263 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S264 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S264 Composite harness, near HVAC programmer
S265 Composite harness, near HVAC Programmer
S265 Composite harness, near HVAC programmer
S266 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S267 Composite harness, RH side near Relay Center
S268 Behind RH side of I/P near PCM
S269 Behind, RH side of I/P, near PCM
S270 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S270 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, near ground G201
S270 Composite harness, lower RH side of passenger compartment
S270 Composite harness, near Relay Center
S270 RH side of I/P right of Relay Center
S271 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, above PCM
S271 Composite harness, top of LH shroud, forward of grommet P500
S272 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P above Relay Center
S272 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, above relay center
S273 Composite harness, behind I/P RH side
S273 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side, above PCM
S274 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side above Relay Center
S274 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P above relay center
S275 (Pontiac) I/P harness, behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S276 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, above PCM
S276 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, below PCM
S276 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, near PCM
S277 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, above PCM
S277 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, near PCM
S278 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side, near PCM
S278 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P. above PCM
S279 Composite harness, behind I/P RH side, above Relay Center
S279 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P above relay center
S279 Composite harness, behind RH side of I/P, above relay center
S279 Composite harness, behind center of I/P, above Antilock Diode
S280 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S281 Composite harness, lower RH side of passenger compartment
S282 Composite harness middle of LH shroud
S283 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column
S283 Composite harness, lower RH side of passenger compartment
S284 (IDC) Composite harness. behind I/P. right of steering column support
S285 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S285 Composite harness, lower RH side of passenger compartment
S286 Composite harness, lower RH side of passenger compartment
S288 (IDC) Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S288 Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S288 LH front door sill area, between C340 and LH front door
S289 (IDC) Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S289 (IDC) Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S289 (IDC) Composite harness, top of LH kickpad
S289 Composite harness, LH side of I/P, top of LH kickpad
S289 Composite harness, top of RH shroud
S289 Near RH front kickpad ground
S292 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, near ground G202
S293 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P above steering column
S293 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, top of shroud
S293 Composite harness, behind center of I/P
S293 Composite harness, near Instrument
S293 Composite harness, near Instrument Cluster
S293 Composite harness, left of steering column mounting bracket
S295 Behind I/P Fuse Block
S295 Composite harness, behind LH side
S295 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P
S296 Composite harness, behind I/P, RH side of steering column support
S296 Composite harness, behind I/P, right of steering column support
S297 Composite harness, behind LH side of I/P, above steering column
S298 Near LH kickpad
S299 Behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S299 I/P harness, behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S299 I/P harness, behind LH side of I/P above Instrument Cluster
S300 Composite harness, in console (Pontiac)
S302 Composite harness, below LH seat
S302 Composite harness, under passenger seat
S303 Composite harness, below LH seat
S303 Composite harness, under passenger seat
S304 Composite harness, near RH rear door pass through
S305 Composite harness, near RH rear door pass through
S305 Header harness, LH side of windshield header
S307 Composite harness, below RH side of I/P near ground G201
S307 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S307 Composite harness, bottom of RH kickpad
S307 Compound harness, RH kickpad near G201
S307 Compound harness, RH kickpad, near G201
S307 Header harness, LH side of windshield header
S307 Near RH front kickpad ground
S308 Below LH seat
S308 Composite harness, near lower RH kickpad, near G201
S308 Composite harness, RH kickpad
S308 Composite harness, RH kickpad near G201
S308 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S308 Composite harness, bottom of RH kickpad
S308 Composite harness, lower RH kickpad near G201
S308 Composite harness, near RH kickpad
S308 Composite harness, near lower RH kickpad, near G201
S308 Composite harness, below RH side of I/P, near ground G201
S308 Lower RH kickpad, near G201
S309 Composite harness, RH side of I/P near kickpad
S310 Composite harness, RH kickpad near G201
S310 Composite harness, RH side of I/P
S310 Composite harness, bottom of RH kickpad
S311 Composite harness, RH side of I/P, bottom of RH kickpad
S312 Lower RH kickpad, near G201
S312 Composite harness, near RH kickpad by C332
S314 Composite harness, below center console
S316 Composite harness, RH front of luggage compartment
S318 (IDC) Composite harness, middle of LH shroud
S318 (IDC) Composite harness, middle of LH kickpad
S334 Header harness, LH side of windshield header
S338 Composite harness, RH front of headliner
S338 Header harness, front of headliner, RH side
S340 Seat solenoid jumper harness, under driver's seat
S341 Seat solenoid jumper harness, under passenger's seat
S346 Near lumbar control module
S346 Seat solenoid jumper harness, under driver's seat
S351 Front of headliner near vanity mirrors
S400 Composite harness, LH side of Luggage Compartment
S400 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment near ground G402
S400 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment, near G402
S400 Composite harness, Luggage Compartment
S400 LH front of Luggage Compartment
S401 (IDC) (Buick H) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S401 (IDC) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment, near ground G402 (Buick H)
S401 (IDC) Rear lights harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S404 (Oldsmobile - H) Rear lights harness, center rear of luggage compartment
S404 (Oldsmobile H) Rear Lights harness, center rear of luggage compartment
S404 License/backup lamp harness, LH side of luggage compartment near C401 (Oldsmobile H)
S405 (IDC) (Buick-C) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S405 (IDC) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S406 (Oldsmobile-H) Rear Lights harness, center rear of luggage compartment
S408 In trunk, near RH trunk pass-through
S407 (IDC) (Oldsmobile-C) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S407 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S407 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment, near ground G402
S409 In trunk, near RH trunk pass-through
S410 In trunk, near RH trunk pass-through
S411 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S412 (Buick-C) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S414 (Buick-H) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S415 Composite harness, behind RH rear seat above chassis pass-through P403
S415 Composite harness, under RH side of rear seat
S416 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S417 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S418 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S419 Composite harness. LH side of luggage compartment
S420 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S421 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S422 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S423 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S424 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S425 Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S429 (Pontiac) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S430 (Pontiac) Composite harness, LH side of luggage compartment
S431 (Pontiac) Composite harness, RH side of luggage compartment
S432 (Pontiac) Composite harness, RH side of luggage compartment
S433 (Oldsmobile - H) Rear lights harness, center rear of luggage compartment
S440 In trunk, near RH rear speakers
S480 (Pontiac) Composite harness, near LH Taillamp on luggage compartment lid
S481 (Pontiac) Composite harness, near LH Taillamp on luggage compartment lid
S500 Composite harness, in LH front door near outside mirror switch
S501 Composite harness, in LH front door near power sear switch
S501 Composite harness, near power seat switch
S502 Composite harness, in LH front door near power seat switch
S503 In LH front door, near speakers
S504 In LH front door, near speakers
S505 Composite harness, top of LH shroud, forward of grommet P500
S506 Composite harness, top of LH shroud, forward of grommet P500
S600 Composite harness, top of RH shroud, forward of grommet P600
S601 In RH front door, near speakers
S602 In RH front door, near speaker
S900 Behind center of I/P between Radio and Amplifier
S902 Behind center of I/P between Radio and Amplifier
S903 Behind center of I/P between Radio and Amplifier
S904 Behind center of I/P, between Radio and Amplifier
S905 Behind center of I/P, between Radio and Amplifier
S906 Behind center of I/P, between Radio and Amplifier
S907 Behind center of I/P, between Radio and Amplifier
S908 (Pontiac) I/P harness, behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S908 I/P harness, behind I/P, above instrument cluster
S909 I/P harness, behind I/P above Instrument Cluster
S901 Behind center of I/P between Radio and Amplifier
S910 (Pontiac) I/P harness, behind I/P, above Instrument Cluster
S911 (Pontiac) I/P harness, behind I/P, above Instrument Cluster
S913 I/P harness, behind I/P, RH side of instrument cluster
S915 I/P harness, behind I/P, RH side of instrument cluster
S918 I/P harness, behind I/P RH side of Radio
S919 I/P harness, behind I/P RH side of Radio
S922 I/P harness, behind I/P, RH side of instrument cluster
S923 Heated seat harness, near heated seat switch